5. Fight, Fight, Fight

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It's the next day after I got Ever in trouble and he's been pissed at me ever since, did I care? Not really. He's not taking me to school today, Emeris is.
Emeris might be my favorite brother! He's usually to himself a lot of the time, but he's the main brother that gets me anything I want.

I get up for school and and change into some jeans and a cropped tshirt. I throw my hair in a messy bun and I go downstairs. Ever was in the kitchen so I was hesitant to go in there but I was starving so I ended up walking in.

Once he noticed it was me, he glared. I didn't say anything at first but he continued to glare. "Good morning."I say plainly. "Good morning my ass you little bitch!" He yells quietly. I gasp "all I did was say good morning and you're calling me names?" I say loudly trying to get someone to hear.

Ever looks around frantically and I just laugh. "Brother this is what you get for being mean to me all day." I say quietly in his face.

Then Rue walks in. "What are you guys talking about?" He asks plainly. "I was just seeing how Ever was feeling." I say innocently and walk over to order my breakfast. Rue walks to the coffee machine to make a coffee. He looks tired. I would ask if he's ok but I know my questions never get truthfully answered. "Ever you won't be going to school today because of your arm. But you're grounded. So give me your phone and laptop." Rue says sternly. Ever went to protest back but Rue shot him a glare and he closed his mouth. "Ok." He says sounding defeated.

Emeris walks into the kitchen. He sits down with Ever and says "you good little brother?" Ever nods his head. Emeris doesn't really eat breakfast. Like Rue they just have coffee. So Emeris went to make his coffee and Rue took a sip of his and sighed before going through his phone.

River walks in and sits down with Rue and they start whispering. I try listening in on what they are saying but it sounds like mumbling. The staff brings out my breakfast which is just eggs and bacon. Rue comes up to me and says "River, Joziah and I will be going out for a bit tonight. Reign will be in charge until we get back. If he tells me anything about you not following the rules, you'll be in deep shit. Got it?"
I nodded not trying to show my fear. "Answer properly." He says sternly
"Yes." I say quietly.

He walks out of the kitchen with River right behind him. Emeris finishes his coffee and ask "are you ready to go?" I only had a piece of bacon left on so I grabbed it and started to head out.
We got into his car and he backed out super fast. Man do all my brothers drive like maniacs?
"So what is the family business exactly?" I ask trying to get my brother to spill the tea. He laughs knowing what I'm trying to do. "Little sister you don't need to worry about that. All you need to do is get good grades in school and follow the rules of our house." I roll my eyes at his answer. "Why is Rue always saying disobeying him could be the difference between life or death?" I ask another question. "He just wants to keep you and us safe." He answers plainly. "But why was he talking about rival families? What does that mean?" I ask getting louder. "Ok enough question!" He says loudly. I sit back in the seat and cross my arms.

We arrive at my school and he pulls up to the drop off area. "Have a good day." He said plainly. As soon I shut the door he drove off.
I walk up the stairs and see Sswyer.
"Hey Sawyer." I say
"Hey!" He says smiling perfectly.
Snap out of it Sage! "Would you want to sit together at lunch?" He proposes. "Sure that'll be cool." I say damn near drooling over how perfectly perfect he is.
"Ok cool. See ya then." He says before walking off.

"Hey girl!" I hear Jules say from behind me. "What was Mr. Hotness talking to you about?"
"He asked me to sit at lunch with him." I say in awe
"Oh my god! That's perfect!" Jules says
"He gave me his number yesterday also and asked if I had a boyfriend." I said smiling. Jules squealed. I wanted to squeal to but I wasn't trying to bring attention to this. I mean it was still nothing. Right? We are basically just starting the talking stage. So I can't get to excited. Plus I barley know Sawyer other than that he's super dreamy and those eyes make me melt.

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