48. moving day

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                                       RUE'S POV

Salem is 18 and he knows nothing about the family business. Just great! Another fucking Ever situation. Although Salem might be easier to convince than Ever was. James says he's out of control. He may love this but he needs to learn control. He needs to learn obedience and I have the best way to teach him. First, we have to fucking spill the tea.

After dinner last night, well after certain siblings stormed off and other siblings actually ate. I went to up to my office and tried to think. Think about how our siblings could have been hidden from us all these years, how our parents could fucking do this and how they're dead so I can't get any damn answers. This shit makes me so angry. Dad has never been truly honest with me my entire life. Everything was on a "need to know" basis and I hate that. If he expected me to run this family why wouldn't you tell me everything!

I didn't sleep. I stayed up all night going over more paperwork that Ronan graced us with. I've been trying to find a paper trail of James, Elias, Julius, and Salem. And I haven't found anything.

I hear knock on my office door.
"Come in." I say in a low raspy voice.

Riv opens up the door slowly, "brother. Did you sleep?" He asks worrying

"It's fine Riv. I'm fine." I say rubbing my eyes.

"It's not Rue! Lack of sleep means lack of focus and we could use some of that shit right about now." River yells at me.

"Dude. Lower your voice." I say warning him. "I said I'm good."

He nods. River is the definition of Obedience. He wouldn't be my right hand man otherwise. I need the other siblings to fall in line and hopefully with a new system they will.

"First thing we need to do today is talk to Salem and tell him about the family business." I state.

River doesn't seem like he agrees. "Brother, shouldn't we wait until they're all moved in and such? I don't want to scare him and have it be another Ever situation."

"Salem needs structure and someone who's strict. The best way to get him under control is to scare him. He's basically another Jo. Do you not remember when Jo was 16?" I say to him.

"Holy fuck. Please don't even remind me." Riv says sighing.

"He was fucking nuts. Salem can't be worse than Jo." I say completely underestimating this little fucker.


Riv and I make our way downstairs after a long talk about Salem and rules for the rest of the house. James, Elias, Julius, and Salem should be over in about 10 minutes.

"I'm going to my friend's house." Sage says walking right past us.

"No you're not. You never asked if you could go." River says.

"Are you fucking serious Riv?" She says with a nasty tone.

I stay silent. I have no clue where she has gotten this confidence from.

"I just want to go to my friend's house! I want to get away from this bullshit!" She screams.

"Sage. You're not going anywhere. We are dealing with family shit today. We have 4 new brothers moving in. You're staying." I say in a calming but strict voice, trying not to get upset with her.

"Fuck you Rue! And F- I grab her throat before she can finish her sentence. I squeezed and I could feel her pulse.

"Rue!" I hear River yell.

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