32. graduation/party

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Luckily our last name starts with an A so Ever will be early on. Hopefully we don't have to stay the entire ceremony. I'm already ready to go.

"Ever Angelo, Bachelors of Science in Business." The announcer says

"WOOOOOO!!" I yell. Rue stands up and claps. He's actually smiling. I'm shocked!

"Hi uncle Ever!" Aries yells and people laugh at how cute he is.

After Ever gets off the stage, he walks over to us and says "let's go."

"Don't you wanna stay and wait?" Rue asks

"No." He says laughing.

Perfect! I didn't wanna stay anyway. College has a lot more people than high school. When it's time for my high school graduation, i don't want to stay until the end.

"Alright. Come on." Rue says as he gets up. We all leave the university and go to the hospital to see Emeris. This is the first time Aries has seen his dad in a couple days.

"Daddy!!" He yells excitedly and starts crying. "I missed you!"

"Aww I missed you too bud. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to be with you." Emeris says hugging his boy and tearing up. "I'm ready to go home!" Emeris says starting to get loud.

Aries jumps at how his voice echos.

"I want to go home!" Emeris yells. Aries starts to cry. And Emeris completely loses it.

"Em! Stop! You're starting Aries!" I yell.

"Sage. Take Aries home. The car is waiting at the doors we came in. Maybe we let him come visit too soon." Rue commands and I do as he says. I pick Aries up and place him on my hip and walk out the hospital. We hop in the car and go home. It took Aries a while to calm down.


"Brother! Stop!" I yell trying to get Emeris to relax.

"I want to go home now! Rue! Please take me home!" Emeris yells as he starts crying.

"River what the hell is going on?" I ask. He's been here with Em all day.

"He's not getting better Rue. The doctors did some activities and talked with him today and it's not looking good. He may have to stay here or we may have to find a more permanent solution." River says.

"What do you mean?!" I say confused. "He's not getting better? Does he have some sort of problem?"

River motions for me to come outside. Emeris is still going off about how he wants to go home.

"Rue, they say he may have bpd. It's border-" I cut him off

"Borderline personality disorder. I know what it is." I say sighing loudly.

"They say he's showing signs but they aren't too sure. I don't really know what it is." River says looking stressed.

"Mom suffered from bpd. You may not remember because you were young, but her symptoms weren't severe. She went to therapy twice a week to keep a handle on things. Maybe that's what Em needs." I say hoping I won't have to send another brother to a facility.

"Where's Jo? i haven't heard from him." River asks.

I sigh again, "Joziah is at Aspire Rehabilitation."

"What?! Rue what the fuck!" River yells at me.

"River I'm tired, I don't want to get into this right now. We can go visit him tomorrow." I say sternly

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