22. West Wing

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I woke up to my alarm for school. Fuck! I'm glad I can do school online but I'm honestly just so tired of school. I want to drop out. Why do I need to go to school anyway? Even though my brothers don't want me to join the family business, I plan to somehow. I'm intrigued by it. I've been hearing them talk about it more and more and that's what I want to do! I don't want to go to school.

Anywho. My first class is over and I don't plan to log on to my 2nd class today. I go downstairs and ask the staff for an iced coffee. I'm starting to enter my coffee girl era. I've been drinking it like crazy the past month.

Asher comes down about 2 minutes later.
"Hi." I say.

"Hey." He says. "So what's the best way to escape?"

I laugh. "Dude you are not getting out of here. Trust me."

"Damn." He said quietly

"Why are you trying to leave?" I ask

"Rue spanked me really hard last night. I need to know what happened to my family. I don't belong here." He says angrily

"Well, they aren't gonna let you leave. And I think you'll end up liking it here. It's not too bad. Rue is a bit strict but you can get anything you want. We do school online. And have you seen this house? Like it's not that bad of a life." I say

He nods. "Yea I guess it won't be too bad. So what's in the west wing?"

"No clue. I've never been on that side." I say

"Really? Why doesn't Rue let us go over there?" He asks

"Apparently it's where they do business. I've tried to sneak in before and got caught. I got in so much trouble and so I haven't tried it again." I say warning him.

"Well now you have me. We can sneak in together. I really want to know what's over there." Asher says smiling menacingly.

Should I participate in this type of debauchery? I know Rue is going to kill us when he sees that we broke in but I have been dying to know what's over there. I got my ass beat last time. So I'm nervous.

"There's hella cameras, alarms, plus we need a key that only the older brothers have." I say. "It's pretty impossible to break in."

Asher looks nervous now too. I guess he didn't know.
"We can figure it out. Are you in?" He says

"Only if you make a plan and it has a chance of working. Yea." I say then take a sip of my coffee.

Asher nods and smiles. Then Rue walks in and we instantly look at each other and I walk out of the kitchen as fast as I could.
"Morning Sage." He says

"Morning." I say as I'm half way out the room.

I completely abandoned Asher with Rue. Hopefully Rue didn't hear and if he did hopefully he didn't hear the last thing I said.

I got back to my room and decided to log on to class even though I was like 25 minutes late. I logged on but sat on my phone the entire time.

I sat on TikTok for majority of the day. Once school was over I hopped back into bed and got on FaceTime with Jules.

Then Asher busted into my room and was like "Sage! I have a plan!"

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