7. New School

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I woke up for school forgetting I was expelled.
I didn't change since I had no where to go. I opened my bedroom door and went to go see River.

"River." I said quietly.
"Come in." He said plainly
"Are you doing ok?" I asked
"Yea I'm good." He said slightly smiling "doc checked me out and I'm doing ok now. I just need to rest." I slightly smile and leave to let him rest.

I walk downstairs for breakfast and see Rue in the kitchen. I try to avoid eye contact because I know I have punishment coming for me today. I just don't know if it's for fighting and getting expelled or sneaking into the secret side of the house.

"Morning Sage." Rue says plainly
"Morning." I say quietly still avoiding eye contact.
He starts chuckling and says "so Joziah told me something pretty crazy yesterday."
"Oh." I say confused. His laughing is scaring me. "What did he tell you?" I ask acting stupid.
"He told me you tried to get into the west wing." He laughs "but that would be crazy right? Because you know you're not supposed to go over there." Ok the laughing is freak me out. And wow they call it the west wing.
"Yea sounds crazy. I don't know why jo said that." I said laughing nervously
He's still chuckling and gets up from the table with his tablet open and slams it down in front me making me jump. There was camera footage of me trying to unlock the door with Ever's key and Joziah stopping me. IM DEAD. I just want to fall off of a bridge right now.
After the video stops playing. I look up at Rue and his eyes went dark. I laugh nervously.
"I'm not laughing anymore." Rue says harshly. I instantly stop. "You stole Ever's key and tried to break into the west wing when I specifically told you , you can't go over there." He said loudly.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly.
"You most definitely will be. Up to your room so we can get this over with. We have to go view a new school today." Rue says sternly

I get up slowly. And walk up the stairs. I hear Rue grab something from the kitchen but I didn't see what it was. I'm going to shit my pants.

I get to my room and Rue is not to far behind me.
"Pants down and hands on the bed." He said with no emotion "and don't even think about arguing with me." He has something behind his back but i have no clue what it is.

I slid my pants down and assume the position.
"Sage. You disobeyed me and stole from your brother. That is not something I tolerate in this house. And you don't know what I do to people who steal." He said harshly. That last part scared me.

Does he mean kill them?

I felt the first smack. "Ahhhhhh." I screamed at the top of my lungs. That's not a belt. It hurt way more

SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP "Owwww!" I yell and I fall to the ground. "Get up!" Rue says sternly

"Rue please." I say putting my hands up. "I'm sorry. I won't ever do it again!" I see he has a wooden spoon. That shit hurts!

"Get up." He says with a vein popping out of his neck. I'm scared. That shit hurts. And I'm froze with fear. But I'm only going to get in more trouble if I disobey. I'm just stuck. I can't get up.

"Rue." I cry. He walks up to me and picks me up and drags me back to the position.

He swings again and lands the spoon on my ass 10 more times before I reach back to cover my butt.
"Hands in front." He says harshly.
"Rue I can't take anymore." I say stuttering
"You better move your hands now!" He yells making me jump. I slowly move my hands back to the position. And I sob.

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