10. The secrets are killing me

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It's now Thursday and I'm so bored! No phone! No nothing! You would think a girl that is rich would have a lot to do when she's grounded but I don't! I've been playing around with my makeup trying to learn more and I've been trying on outfits even though my outfits don't matter much since I have to wear that annoying uniform. I tried on the outfit and I was disgusted. I rolled the skirt to try and make it cuter and I think I'll definitely be wearing it like that. I'm not wearing a skirt that goes to my knees. I take off the uniform and throw it in my closet. I decided to straighten my hair. And if you have really curly hair you know how long this shit takes! I washed my hair and then blow dried it. Next I separated it and started straightening. I try not to straighten my hair much. But I'm bored so I felt like doing it.

That took me at least 3 hours to do. So after that I decided to go get a snack from the kitchen. I went downstairs and saw Ever and Joziah sitting on the couch watching tv. I wish I could watch tv, Rue stole the power cord to my tv so that's out the window.

I asked the staff to bring me some chocolate chip cookies. Those are my favorite type of cookies ever!
After about 10 minutes, Jen, one of our staff members dropped off my cookies.
"Thanks Jen." I say smiling
She smiles and nods and goes back to doing what she was doing.

I take my cookies and go sit in the living room hoping I can get a glance at the tv without Rue saying anything.
"What are y'all watching?" I ask chomping on my cookies.
Ever takes one, "hey! Get your own!" I say and he starts chuckling. Then Joziah takes one too. I roll my eyes.

"We are watching a tv show called 60 days in." Jo says.

"Mmmm." I say with a cookie in my mouth.
I sat there watching for a good 20 minutes. It's a pretty good show.

Then I saw Rue start walking in from the backyard and I get up and run into the kitchen and act like I wasn't watching tv. He walks into the kitchen and looks at me.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking at me like I'm suspicious of something.

"Just wishing I could have my phone back or watch tv." I sigh trying to guilt trip him. He rolls his eyes and orders lunch from the staff.

Damn it didn't work. Should I beg? Nah then he'll keep it longer.

"Why don't you go play outside or something?" He asks

"I don't play outside Rue. I'm not 7." I say looking at him like he can't be seriously suggesting that.

"You could read a book." He shrugs.

"I don't read." I say getting annoyed.

"You could draw." He says smirking

"Ugh! You're annoying!" I say stumping out the kitchen and up to my room.

Why can't he just give me my damn phone back?! Or at least my tv cord! This just makes me want to sneak out again but my ass still burns so I won't be doing that.

I go see what Emeris is doing. He's just in his room like always.

"What do you want?" He asks noticing me at the door.

"I'm bored." I whine.

"Well what do you want to do?" He asks. Finally a brother who wants to cure my boredom.

"I don't know. Rue has my phone and tv power cord. Can we go somewhere?" I ask

"Sure." He says grabbing his keys and we walk back downstairs. He goes into the kitchen to tell Rue we are leaving. He also texts his bodyguards that he's leaving so they come too. We walk to the garage and get in his car. I wonder if I'll get a car when I turn 16. All my brothers have their own cars and got them when they were 16. I can't wait to be 16! 13 sucks!

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