37. aunts & uncles

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As I'm sitting in my office trying to figure shit out, I get even more frustrated at everything.

My dad wanted wealth so bad, he built this type of life for us. I mean yea, he didn't really have a choice just like we pretty much didn't. But his siblings who aren't in this life seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. My uncle Rain, Cameron's dad, chose to not be in the business because he wanted to marry his girlfriend. My grandpa was pissed apparently. Uncle Rain was his first born and grandpa's pride and joy. Our dad was the 2nd born so when Rain chose not to take over after grandpa died, my dad did.

Any who. I've been thinking about going to visit Uncle Rain and the rest of our Aunts and Uncles. All of Dad's siblings still live in his hometown which is about 4 hours away from where our house is. We haven't really seen them since Dad passed. And I just need a break from life.

I text the family group chat telling everyone that we are going to visit our Aunts and Uncles (Uncle Rain, Uncle Rowan, Aunt Cecil, Aunt Lona, Uncle Ray, and Uncle Ross, our dad's siblings.) I get a response from everyone except Ever. I haven't spoken to him since he left. I'm going to see if River can get him to come. River has been helping him out behind my back, he still doesn't know that I know. I haven't decided if I'm going to say anything or not. [go read LIFE OF EVER to see how River helped Ever out!]

I leave the west wing and go down stairs to see my siblings chilling in the living room.

"When are we leaving?" Sage asks as I come down.

"Planning for today around 2pm." I answer her

"Ok. Cool." She says and goes back to watching tv. River follows me into the kitchen.

"Hey. I need you to tell Ever, he has to come on the trip." I say to him.

"What makes you think he's going to listen to me?" River asks confused.

In this moment, I decided to say something.
"Because you've been helping him out with getting a house, furniture, and whatever the hell else." I say sternly and cross my arms.

River's eyes grew big and he didn't know what to say.
"I-I I don't kn-know what you mean." He says stuttering and walking away.

"River!" I yell. He stops in his tracks and turns towards me.

"Rue. He's our baby brother, I just wanted to make sure he was ok. I know you want him to be ok too. He was going to be staying with his friend from college. We don't know him. He may be a good kid but we can't take the chance. It's dangerous for him to be out there without us. Having his own places with security is what he needs, do you know how many people would come after him if they knew he wasn't here with us anymore? I just couldn't bare to

I hold up my hand to cut him off.
"River. I understand why you did what you did. But you didn't have to keep it from me! And you just lied to me." I say annoyed with him.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just didn't know how'd you react." He says looking down.

I sigh. "I wish we didn't have to go through any of this brother. If dad truly cared for us, he wouldn't make us stay in the family business with dangling our inheritance over it."

"Is this why we are going to visit dad's siblings? Are you trying to find a loop hole?" River asks.

I nod. "I don't want Ever out there alone either. Even though he has security, it's still makes me anxious. We had someone break in here with hella security around our house. I want to honor dad and there isn't a way for us to go around his will unless I find some sort of loop hole. Like if there's a less active role in the business that Ever could do or something like that. Technically he'd still be apart of the business, just not apart of what we have to handle."

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