47. dinner

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We all stand still and don't know what to say. I try to speak but no words fall out.

"Would you like to come in?" The security guard asks breaking the silence.

The 4 new siblings walk in and still no one speaks.

"James?! You're our brother?!" River says in complete shock.

James is already apart of the business. We barely interacted with him as we got older. He spends most of his time with Prince and Jack, River's and I friends. We only met him because of Jack. I met James when I was 16 years old. Dad introduced James as our cousin. River actually had gotten into a fight with him when we met, they were like 11-12 years old.

"Ronan told us he was our cousin." I say to the entire group of siblings. I've never called my dad Ronan before. This situation has made me lose a bit of respect I had for my dad. How could you just pick 4 siblings and separate them? What was he trying to do?

"I can't find the words to speak." James says rubbing his temples.

The next thing I notice is how Elias and Emeris are literally the same person....

"You're telling me I have a fucking twin?" Emeris says. I glared at him for cussing but at the same time I was literally thinking the exact same thing. Wait til Aries comes back and sees his dad twice, he's going to freak.

"So why would our parents do this shit?" Says who I believe is Salem. Salem's vibe screams trouble.

"Still trying to figure that out." I say in a low tone.

"Try faster." He says to me in the nastiest tone. I don't know what it is today but everyone is trying my last nerve. This kid is lucky I'm new in his life. I would've snatched his ass up and threw him against the walls. My brothers know better than to speak to me like that. He just hasn't learned yet, if he keeps trying me he will.

I look over at River to see if he can see my frustration. And he notices. He slightly smiles, River knows what I'm thinking.

"Salem!" James says smacking the back of his head. He rolls his eyes at his older brother and walks off to the side looking at the picture frames and other decorations.

"Sorry about him. Since he's turned 16 he's been something else." James says looking like he's been through it. I wish him joining our family would give him a free ride to peace but it's only going to add to the stress.

I nod. James starts blabbing about something but all I could think about was how he's been apart of my life and I'm just now finding out he's our brother. The more I look at him, the more I realize he looks so similar to dad and Reign, and it's wild I never noticed. I so wish Reign was here to see this crazy shit. He would have a ball! I miss that dumbass so much, more than my other siblings will ever know.

The younger siblings drift off to go talk to each other and such. River, James, Jo, & I go up to the west wing to really talk. Once we get into the west wing, I see James' eyes grow wide.

"This is awesome!" He says basically fangirling.

He looks over everything twice and we give him the tour of the rest of the area. The gym, interro (the interrogation room), library or document room , ect.

"Ok we need to know everything. Where do yall live, life growing up, the family business, dad, mom, everything. I need to figure out how y'all were hidden from us for so long. Why our parents did what they did in the first place. It's just so unbelievable that they chose to pick 4 out of 11 siblings to separate." River says blurting out 

"Riv." I say looking at him to relax. "What we really need to know is what part do you all play in the business. Dad has this complicated ass will. I have to get in contact with our lawyer. The only conditions are that in order to receive your inheritance you have to be apart of the family business and live in this house. As the oldest and the head of the business, dad left everything to me to disburse out to the rest of the siblings but I have strict rules to follow. I've tried to go around them and we've just landed in more trouble than we needed. Even from the grave dad's an ass. But it is what it is." I state in a stern tone.

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