33. boys night out

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Ever, Emilio, Jack, and Prince got here at the same time and Meca escorted them up to our section.

River and I got up to hug our long time friends.
"What up boys!" Jack yells grabbing me in for a hug and smacking my back roughly.

"It's been so long!" River says laughing

"Hey baby brother!" River says grabbing him in for hug. "We need a round of shots to celebrate Ever graduating!"

"Congratulations Ever! Man I remember when was just a little man!" Jack smiles roughing up Ever's hair.

"Are you ready to fully join the business?" Prince asks. All eyes wait for his answer. I noticed he looks nervous.

"Yep. So ready." Ever says unconvincingly

I glance at River and River glances at me. It's like we read each others minds.

"Meca will be up to get y'all some drinks. Ever, we need to speak to you." I say. The boys take a seat and Ever follows River and I.

"That 'YeP so ReADy' was bull shit. I really need you to get this through your head. You went to college, I let you have the experience you wanted. Because you're a smart man and it could benefit our business. I really hope you don't have another idea for what you plan to be doing. You're done with school so your undivided attention needs to be on the business." I say threateningly. I'm trying to get him to understand that this is serious and that he really has no choice.

"Ever. With Emeris and Joziah away, you fall 3rd in line. If something happens to Rue and I, you'd take over. You know absolutely nothing about the business and we let you slack because you weren't ready. But now you need to get ready. It's time for you to take your place in the business little brother. We can talk about this more tomorrow but don't get any other ideas." River says

Ever nods but doesn't say anything. We walk back over to the table and Meca brought out a round of shots.

"Congratulations to our little brother for graduating!" We left our glasses and cheers.

Let the night begin!

We spend majority of the night catching up. Ever tells us about his crazy college stories, that he was too nervous to tell us sober. I can't believe we thought he was such a nerd.

"Meca. We're ready for the after party." River says smirking.

"Ooo after party?" Jack says dancing. We all laugh at him.

"What's the after party?" Ever asks giggling. That dude gets so giggling when he's drunk.

"You'll see." I say slightly laughing.

Meca brings a row of girls with her up to our section.
"Look boys, the after party has arrived." River says

"Damnnnn." Prince yells. The girls seductively walk up the stairs and glaring at us with eyes that could get them whatever they wanted.

"Come with us." Meca says whispering in my ear and rubbing my shoulders. I don't think I ever got up so fast in my life.

"Let's go boys." I say and they all come running after me. The girls take us to the private rooms.

Sapphire goes with Ever.
Opal goes with Jack
Lola goes with Prince
Misti goes with Emilio
Rose and Lily go with River, such a dirty boy.
And Meca comes with me.

I don't know about the boys but I know we are about to have a great time. Meca guides me to the couch.I sit down but she walks around the room slowly and doesn't take her eyes off me. I bite my lip as I feel my dick get hard. She makes her way to me. And starts to rub on me.

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