36. reunited

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After a long day yesterday, Rue and I plan to go visit Joziah and Emeris. He's been in rehab for some days now, I'm sure he's not going to be happy.

"You ready to go brother?" I ask Rue.

"Yea let's go." He says. He's in a mood and I just hope we have a good interaction today.

Rue and I hop in the car and drive to the rehab center. We walk in to the front desk and tell the receptionist that we are here for Joziah Angelo.

"Please wait right here." She says and we move to the side and wait.

A worker comes and grabs us to take us to his room. Joziah looks miserable. He sees us and rolls his eyes. I look at Rue who looks pissed. Here we go.

"Joziah, you have some visitors." The nurse says

"Tell them to leave!" He yells.

"Joziah. We have to talk to you." I say trying to easy things over.

"I'll talk to you. But I don't want to talk to Rue." He says. I look at Rue and he storms off. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Hey Jo." I say walking into his room. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit! River please let me come home. I hate it here!" Joziah whines.

"Jo. I want you to get better." I say

"I won't get better here! It sucks! I swear I won't drink anymore!" He tries to convince me. But honestly I don't believe him. I still have to tell him about Ever and that might make him want to come home even more.

"I need to tell you something." I say trying to change the subject.

He sees the look on my face and instantly starts to look worried.

"What happened?!" He says and I can see his breathing increasing.

"Um. Ever left." I say plainly

"What do you mean left?" He asked confused.

"Rue and I tried to make him understand that with you here in rehab and Emeris in the psych unit that he's now 3rd in charge for the moment. We had to rush home because someone broke in while Sage and Aries was at the house. We captured one guy and Rue tried to get Ever to get information out of the guy. Ever wouldn't do it and expressed that he wanted to leave the family. It didn't go over well with Rue. Ever packed and left last night."

"What the fuck!" Jo yells and stands up in disbelief. "You're kidding! Ever is a joke! How are we even related to that bitch!"

"Hey!" I say trying to get him to relax. "There's more you need to know."

"What else!" He says upset.

"The guy we captured was an informant for the FBI. He told us they have been building a case on us for a while. We think Asher could be the reason and that's why we weren't able to find him because they put him in a safe house."

"You're fucking kidding right?!" Joziah says laughing. "Please tell me you're joking Riv."

I don't respond and he throws his head into his hands. "Y'all gotta let me come home River!" He yells

"Jo. We want you to get better." I say.

"River! Please just convince Rue that I'm good to come home." He says.

"I'll do my best little brother." I say smiling and ruffle his hair.

He smiles.

I get up to leave, "are you sure you don't want to speak to Rue? If I do convince him to get you out, you're going to have to speak to him back home."

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