40. baby or no baby?

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**TW: Abortion**

I honestly don't care to hear your opinions on abortion if you have any that goes against a women's rights to choose what she does for her body. So keep them to yourself & enjoy the chapter 🤭

I couldn't sleep. I'm nervous for how my brothers are going to react to me staying.

I hear some shuffling start around 6. But it gets louder once it's 6:30.

By this time, I get up and fix my hair. I go downstairs without my bags and I'm still in my pjs.

Rue is gathering everyone and some are eating breakfast. He turns and sees me.

"Sage what the hell are you doing? Why aren't you ready?" He says confused.

"Rue. I'm staying here." I say plainly.

"No the fuck you're not!" He says angrily.

"Rue. I need to get away. For my mental health. I'm pregnant and I don't need the stress. It's bad for the baby. I will still do school online and who knows I may be ready to come home in like a week or a couple days. But I'm just not ready to go back home yet. I want to stay here with Aunt Lori." I say trying to spit everything out in one breath

"Ok. I understand Sage." Rue says. I think he's tired of arguing or maybe he's being sarcastic, who really knows.

"Thank you." I say about to cry again.

Rue nods before giving some of the bags to the security and driver. River comes over and gives me a huge hug trying to make me feel better.

I go into the kitchen and Aunt Lori puts some eggs on a plate for me. But the sight of the eggs makes me sick. I run to the garbage can and throw up.

Aunt Lori comes over and pats my back and holds my hair. "Oh sweetheart."

I've only known I've been pregnant for 2 weeks and these have been the worst 2 weeks of my life! Maybe I should rethink this whole baby thing. I'm miserable and from what I hear being an actual mother isn't that much better.

Rue ran into the kitchen to see the commotion."Can you get her to a doctor? We need to know how far along she is so she has a choice. And hopefully she makes the right one." Rue says.

"Fuck you Rue!" I yell at him crying trying not to throw up again.

"Rue. Go." Aunt Lori says trying to calm me down.

Rue starts to speak but Aunt L glared at him and he quickly stopped and went back to getting everyone ready to hit the road.

"He's such an ass!" I cry.

"Sweetie. He's your big brother, he's supposed to be an ass." She laughs. "But he isn't wrong. Well that last bit of his statement was. We need to get to a doctor so you can see how far along you are. In New York you can get an abortion up until 24weeks." She continues telling me about the different options.

I start hyperventilating. All of a sudden, I can hear my heart pounding, my breathing gets heavy. It's just too much. All of this is just too much! I'm not ready to be a mom. I can't.

"Sage. Breathe.  Let's go, I'm taking you to a doctor." She says helping me out the kitchen.

Rue turns around and looks at me, "what happened?!" He asks worried.

"She's just panicking a bit, we are going to a doctor. She needs some clarity on this so she can make a decision because I think she's too anxious." Aunt Lori said

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