30. emeris

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Rue's POV

I'm on the way back home to check on Aries and handle his punishment. I didn't tell the boys and Emeris wasn't conscious to hear about what his little boy did at daycare today. He kicked his teacher and constantly told them no all day. Aries is usually a good kid, Emeris hasn't had to discipline him much. I don't know what happened today but that's unacceptable.

I'm also going to have to put the talk with Sage on pause for now.

I get home and walk into Aries' playroom and I see him playing with some toys. His nanny was in there with him so I tell her she's good to go home. I pay her and she leaves.

"Uncle Rue!" Aries says happy to see me. He won't be happy much longer.

"Aries, why weren't you a good boy at daycare today?" I ask in a soft voice.

His face completely changes and he doesn't answer.

"Aries? I heard you kicked your teacher." I say reminding him of what he did. "That's not being a good boy is it?"

"No." He says hiding his face. I get down on his level and move his hands away from his face.

"It is not nice to kick your teacher. You don't kick anyone. Do you understand?" I say

He nods. "Say yes sir, so I know you understand."

"Yes sir." He says in his cute, little voice.

"I'm not going to spank you this time nephew. But if I have to pick you up early again for being mean to your teacher, you will be getting a spanking. Understand?"

"Yes sir." He says looking terrified.

"Good boy." I say taking his hand and guiding him out of the playroom room.

"Where daddy?" He asks

I'm not sure what to say. I don't want to take him to the hospital right now. I'm waiting for an update from River.

"Are you hungry?" I ask him trying to change the subject.

"Yea!" He says excitedly. I lift him on my shoulders and take him down to the kitchen. The staff makes him chicken nuggets and some sliced up fruit. Then Sage bursts into the kitchen with tears in her eyes almost blurting out her words, but she notices Aries sitting at the island and calms herself down. She must have heard on the way home from school

"Rue." She says crying.

"It's ok Sage. He's going to be ok." I say to her holding out my arms, welcoming her into a hug. She runs into my arms and I wipe her tears. We are all worried about Emeris. Losing a brother is something we don't want to experience again!

"Can we go see him?" She asks.

"I'm waiting on an update from River. He's at the hospital." I say informing her.

She nods and says, "Does Ever know?"

"Not yet. He hasn't texted me back or answered my calls. He may be in class." I say to her and she nods. She then goes up to her room to change out of her uniform.

Ever goes to classes in person now, I caved and let him have the college experience. Not too much of an experience though! We still have to be careful. But he's loving it. He's even in a fraternity. He still lives at home since the campus is close to our house. But he doesn't get home till late, I don't want to worry him.

"Where's daddy uncle Rue?" Aries asks again.

Fuck I wish there was an update from River.

"Your daddy is at the hospital. He's sick nephew. But he's going to be ok. I'll take you to see him soon." I say

Aries starts crying. This is why I didn't want to say anything. I pick him up and hold him, bouncing him around trying to calm him down. "It's ok bub." I say hugging him.

"I wanna see daddy!" He screams. He's in full tantrum mode right now.

My phone starts ringing and I see it's Joziah. I answered the phone and he told me to get down there now. And I shouldn't bring Aries. He says Emeris is not ready to see him and that he's being violent.

I already sent the nanny home. Sage is going to want to come with me, but I need her to stay here with Aries.

I take Aries up to Sage's room.

I knock on the door and she opens it.

"Sage, I have to get down to the hospital. Emeris is giving the doctors and staff a hard time and it's getting violent. I can't take Aries in that environment and I already sent the nanny home. I need you to stay here and watch him. Please." I beg

"Ok." She says. She takes his hand and walks him into her room.

I rush downstairs and grab my stuff. I race to the hospital as fast as I can.

Once I get there, I met Joziah in the waiting area.

"River is in there with Em and he's going nuts. Em doesn't want treatment. They have him on a suicide watch which lasts 72 hours and he doesn't want to stay. They are saying if he doesn't calm down, they'll have to restrain him. River isn't having any luck." Jo says panicking.

"Ok. Ok which room are they in!" I say and we run to his room.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I hear Emeris yell

"Em! Lay down!" River yells


"EMERIS!" I yell cutting him off.
He stops his tantrum and lays back in his bed. River rolls his eyes.

"Emeris. You are staying in this hospital for the time they said and any time they decide to add. You tried to kill yourself! You lost a lot of blood! You will listen to the doctors and nurses and whoever else is doing their job to make sure you live! I don't want to hear you say anything but yes sir, yes ma'am, no sir, no ma'am or I'll kill you myself. Are we clear?!" I say sternly. I'm not joking about this shit. Emeris tried to take his life. He will be getting help even if I have to force him to.

"Yes sir." He says sitting back in the hospital bed.

"Thank you. Now your son had to be picked up from school early today for kicking his teacher. He is ok and I gave him a stern talking to. He's with Sage. I won't allow him to come into this environment until you calm down and start treatment, understand?"

"Yes." He says taking a deep breath breath

"Thank you. Brother, you gave us quite the fucking scare today. I'm glad you are ok and I need you to understand that I am and will always be here for you. I know I haven't always been the easiest to talk to or the most understanding but this I understand. This feeling of not wanting to exist anymore, I get. You are not alone! And I don't want you to think or feel that you are alone Em. We are here for you, always and forever!" I say feeling tears build up in my eyes.

I see a tear fall down Emeris' cheek.

"Thank you." He says quietly and choked up at my words."

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