12. Guilt

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I'm in my room and I feel so bad for getting Ever in trouble. The rage took over. I couldn't control what was coming out of my mouth! I feel so bad. I decided to go see if anyone was downstairs. Fuck staying in my room.

I walk down the stairs and see all my brothers except for Rue and River. Ever was in the chair getting help from the doctor.

"Oh my god!" I yell running over to them. "What happened!"

"Rue." Emeris says. Ever doesn't even look at me.

"Ever I'm so so sorry!" I say feeling so damn bad. "It just blurted out of me!"

"Fuck you Sage!" He yells. My heart drop. I could drop dead right now. I feel so bad and he's so mad at me. Rue broke his other arm and his leg. This is all my fault!

I start to cry and run back up to my room. I should've never left my room to begin with. Ughhhhh why am I so dumb!

Rue is mad at me and Ever is pissed at me! I'm so angry and I feel so bad at the same time. I'm mad that my brothers lied and pissed that Rue did that to Ever. I wish Ever would've never told me but I'm glad he did! I wish I didn't blurt that shit out!


I'm so pissed at Ever right now! I could kill him! He's lucky he's my baby brother! Why the fuck would he tell Sage?!

"Brother!" River yells trying to get my attention and interrupting my thoughts

"What!" I yell. I don't mean to take out my anger on River. I just can't control this rage.

"Maybe you need to take a ride to cool off. You just broke Ever's other arm and leg. He's not going to be able to go to school or do anything for the next 8-10 weeks. You took his punishment too far. You gotta control your anger." River tries to lecture me

"Riv. you don't get how hard it is to keep my composure right now. I'm trying my best not to scream at you and everyone else. Sage is in more danger now that she knows! Ever is a snitch, I can't trust him! If someone was to take his ass, we now know that he would tell them whatever they want to know! And we still haven't found out anything about the rumors! The De Luca family and other mafia families are trying to take us out! I'm in charge! I have to deal with this shit! The blood will be on my hands if something happens to Sage or one of you!" I say spiraling out of control. "I can't just take a drive brother! We have too much shit to deal with. That's the thing! I don't get breaks! I can't afford to get breaks! But everything I do is to make sure you guys do!"

"Brother. Please chill out. I know you're angry. I know you're worried. But please take a couple deep breaths. Im going to go check on Ever." He says leaving my office. Once he closes the door, I throw my coffee mug at the wall.

How was dad able to deal with this?! I feel like the world is closing in! This shit is so draining! Some days I don't want to do this shit anymore but I don't have that luxury.


Rue is under so much stress. I feel bad for him and I wish he could let me take some of the load off but I'm still healing from that gun shot wound so he won't allow me to do much of anything right now.

"Hey River. Im going to a friends house. I'll be back later. Keep me updated on Ever." Reign says

"Alright. Be safe. Take your security with you, it's a dangerous time for us right now." I say warning him

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