24. Missing

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I wake up the next morning and haven't heard or seen Asher. So I decided to go check his room. I knocked 3 times and then I just went in thinking he may have still been sleep.

But he wasn't in his room. I went downstairs and asked River and Jo if they've seen Asher. Then I went to ask Sage and she hasn't seen him either. I asked security to check the cameras for Asher.

The cameras showed he left around dinner time last night. What the hell is wrong with this kid?! What if something happens! I tried checking his location but it wasn't on. Of course it's off. What if he really needs help?

Im so pissed at this kid!


The police officers are letting me go with child services. I chose not to call Rue or anything. I'm leaving. My family is gone, Rue and his family are strangers and I don't belong with them. I'm sitting in the police station waiting for the worker to get here and take me to a temporary home until I can get adopted or foster somewhere. Or better yet until they find a living relative of mine! They are searching, maybe my mom will take me back!

I feel bad because this is going to worry Rue and I know he's going to be angry! He opened up his home to me and gave me a lot of stuff but I just can't take the spankings and the expectations he has! And he's scary! Hopefully he'll just let me go. He has other shit to worry about.


I don't know what to do! It's not like I can call the police saying my brother is missing! The documents are good but then shit would get fucked up once they ran his dna and other shit in the system. I can't chance it! He also choose to leave. If he wants to come back, he will.

"Brother. Asher is gone." River informs me

"Yea I know." I say sadly. "We just have to wait and see if he comes back. It's not like we can call the police."

"True. What if he's really in trouble though?" River says panicking

"Then I hope he can handle himself. His location is off. I don't know where he could have gone." I say.

We decided to just wait and see if he comes back. But I know he's gone for good.


Rue told me Asher left and he may not be coming back. I'm sad because it was nice having a partner in crime for a little. I just hope wherever he is, he's ok! I'm going to miss Asher.

I went downstairs and saw Emeris and Aries chilling in the kitchen. Emeris is a really good dad. Despite losing his girlfriend and having to become a single dad, he hasn't refused his new role and I'm proud of him! I'm glad he's there for Aries!

I grabbed a snack and went to sit in the living room. "Hey." I say to Joziah.

"Wassup." Joziah says smiling at me. He smells like weed.

"Are you high?" I ask loudly

"Shhhh shut the fuck up!" Jo says

I laugh. "Can i have some?" I ask.

"Sure, let's go." Jo says quietly.

Shit he must be high! He's letting me hit it! We went out the patio door and hid in a corner so Rue or River didn't see us. He lit the pipe for me and I inhaled and then held it in and blew it out.

"Where did you learn to smoke?" Jo says laughing

I laugh, "Jules."

"Of course. Jules." He says rolling his eyes.

"What the fuck!" Rue yells.

My high died down. I couldn't speak.

"Brother relax." Joziah says

"Don't relax me! Dumbass! Why are you smoking with our little sister?! How many times do I have to tell you that you are an influence on Sage?!" Rue yells at Jo.

"Brother." Jo says trying not to laugh. And Rue grabs his hair and drags him into the house. I follow behind them but try to run up to my room before he notices but he noticed right away.

"Sage up to your room, I'll come up there in a minute." Rue says taking Jo up to the west wing.

I run up to my room and cry. I don't want to be punished. My ass still hurts from breaking into the west wing.

About 15 mins later Rue came to my room.

"You know what's about to happen." He said

I got up and got in the position without fighting. "Please just get it over with." I cry.

"Good girl." He said fixing my position. I heard him sigh quietly, and then felt the sharp smack from his belt.

"Ahh!" I screamed into my sheets.

He threw down 5 smacks right after another. "Ah! Ahhh!" I scream out.

This hurts so bad. My butt was bruised badly from the last spanking. But Rue didn't care. He only cared that I was smoking.

"Rue! Ah!! Ah! Rueeeee!" I cry. I start squirming hoping his hits will miss but he lands them on my ass like it's a target everytime.

He threw down 10 more smacks and told me to get up. I was a bawling mess. My ass was burning and I couldn't feel it.

"Sage. I'm sorry to do this to you. But I will not let you get caught up in drugs and alcohol like Joziah did!" Rue says

"I'm sorry!" I cry. Rue sits down and grabs me to sit on his lap. I wince at first but snuggle into him. I'm guessing he already dealt with Jo. I hope he didn't hurt him to bad.

I didn't go down for dinner, River brought my dinner to my room and I ate it in my room. And after eating I went back to sleep. I didn't have my phone or laptop, since Rue took it. So I just went to sleep.

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