27. sweet sixteen iii

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My boyfriend, Christian asked me if I wanted a drink and I said of course!

I went around the room saying hey to everyone and them telling me happy birthday. There were a lot of people here! I thought only like 100 people were coming but more people keep flowing in.

I walked over to the backyard door and said hey to my brothers. They also invited some of their friends over too. Christian found me in the crowd and handed me my drink. I took a sip and it was super strong. It's my birthday and it's also Friday so I don't care if I get fucked up!

Music gets turned up louder and everyone starts dancing so I start dancing. I'm also feeling this drink right now.

Christian is smiling from ear to ear and I look at him and I feel my eyes sparkling. Did I mention my boyfriend is hot?!

I love looking at him, almost just as much as I love looking at myself!

River walks over looking mad and grabs me and says "y'all are dancing too close."

I laugh at him. "River chill! He's my boyfriend!"

"No seriously. Chill with that!" River said

I roll my eyes and walk back over to Christian and start shaking my ass on him. Christian reciprocated my energy by grabbing my waist and smacking my ass lightly. I looked up at my brother and noticed all my brothers were glaring at me.

I smirked and stood up dancing normally.
"Do you want another drink babe?" Christian said

"Yes please." I say standing on my tiptoes waiting for a kiss. Christian kissed me and then we started making out. I'm a bit tipsy or maybe a little drunk but I'm really wanting to have sex.

We stopped kissing and I let him go grab me a drink. I need some fresh air!

I walk out to the backyard to see hella people out here too. Some people are jumping on my trampoline, some people are in the hot tub, and some people are playing games.

"Hey sis!" Ever says hugging me, "happy birthday!"

"Thank you!" I smile.

"Hey! Sage!" Jules yells running to me.

"Wassup!" I say feeling very loose.

"Have you taken a shot yet?" She asks

I shouldn't take a shot! I'm already going from tipsy to drunk! "I really should chill with the drinking." I say chickening out

"How many drinks have you had?" Jules asks

"2 full drinks!" I say giggling "but I'll take a shot!"

"Yay!" Jules squeals!
"Everyone get a shot! Or take a shot of your drink The birthday girls is about to take one!" She yells at least 3 times.

Everyone starts getting ready, the dj turns the music down and gets on the mic and says "wassup everyone! I hope you're enjoying the party! The birthday girl is ready to take a shot! So pick up your drinks and let's take a shot!" Everyone yells with excitement and we all take a shot! The music starts blasting!

"Baby!" Christian says lifting me up and kissing me. I wrap my legs around him and we continue kissing passionately.
"Gross!" Jules yells gagging. I roll my eyes and giggle.

"Come on! Let's go play beer pong outside!" Max says. And my other friends agreed.

"Ok." I say and they drag me outside. Once again Christian and I get separated. I really hope he stays clear of my brothers.

I make it outside and Joziah is at the pong table.

"What are you doing out here?" Jo asks

"We wanna play beer pong!" I say. It came out a bit sloppy and I felt Rue's glares on me.

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