46. welcome home Rue

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                                   RIVER'S POV

Rue has been gone for a week now. He's finally coming back home. I haven't seen Sage in days but she let me know where she's at. I'm nervous for how to bring up this sibling situation to Rue. I don't need him to act out. This situation is weird enough.

While Ive been sitting on this information, I reached out to Uncle Rain and asked him about it. He's just as lost as I am. Who the fuck would know about us randomly having 4 other siblings that didn't grow up with us but we share the same parents. Why the fuck did our parents separate them from us? I have so many questions and no one can answer them!

I hear someone coming up the stairs and I peak out. It's Rue. He looks better, more relaxed and I hate to ruin it but we gotta figure this out.

"Hey Rue. Have a good trip?" I ask trying to ease into this.

"Yea. It was much needed." He says in a happy tone.
He realizes my uneasiness. "What's wrong?" His tone changes.

"Rue. I need you to not blow up when I tell you this." I say not know how he's going to react.

"River. What it is?" He says impatiently.

"Joziah took a dna test a couple weeks ago and got his results." I started to explain

"Ok and?" Rue says confused as to where this is going.

"It also shows relatives if they take the same test and 4 siblings popped up with Jo's results." I say and I see Rue's face change so fast.

"You're kidding?" He says sounding stunned. I don't think I've ever seen Rue this confused.

"So. Yo-you're telling me we have 4 other fucking siblings?" He says starting to get worked up. "Full? Half?"

"Full." I say quietly

Rue's eyes grew huge. But he also seems relived as if he thought I was going to say half. Half would cause drama and we don't need it.

"What do you know about them?" He says trying to calm down but also trying to grasp the fact we have 4 siblings we never met.

"I have names and ages. That's all. I've tried finding information about them. Uncle rain didn't know shit and dad's files had absolutely nothing about them." I spit out. I'm happy rue's back. Holding this in was driving me crazy. Jo and I have been looking for shit since we found out about them. We haven't told the other siblings yet. Only Jo, now Rue, and I know.

Rue nods waiting for me to speak. "James Ronan Angelo is 28 years old."

"Ronan?" Rue says questionably. Ronan is our dad's name. Rue clinches up when he hears our dad's name. "He's the 3rd oldest. Older than Jo."

"Elias Rain is 24 years old." I say.

"24?!" Rue says surprised. I look at him weirdly, is he going to do this everytime I say something. "Dude! Emeris is 24. What if he has a fucking twin!"

"Holy shit! I didn't even think about that!" I yell. What the fuck how did I miss that! That's so fucked up if Elias is Em's twin. Mom and Dad, what the hell were y'all on that had y'all make this decision.

"Our family is so fucked up." Rue says shaking his head and laughed at the grief. "Keep going. What are the other's names.

"Julius Riley is 22 years old. And Salem Evan is 18 years old." I say finishing the list.

"We gained 4 more younger dumbass brothers." Rue says slapping his forehead.

I chuckled because I absolutely feel the same way. 4 more lives we have to look out for. They may have been looking out for themselves just fine but now they apart of something bigger. Now that we know about them, we can't just leave it alone. We have to meet them. If we know about them, chances are someone dangerous knows about them too.

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