17. High school drop out?

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I haven't started at my new school yet since Reign passed and we were going through a lot. But now Rue expects me to just go to school tomorrow. I'm not going! I'm not wearing that dreaded uniform. Why can't I just do school online?

"Sage. You are going to school and that's final!" Rue says sternly

"No!" I scream. "Why can't I just do it online from here?! It'll be safer considering y'all are in the middle of a war!"

"Sage. Enough." Rue says trying to shut me up. But I'm not done speaking.

"I'm not going Rue! I don't care. I'll drop out." I say crossing my arms.

He just laughs.

"Fuck you!" I yell and his face turns seriously pissed.

"Let's go." He says dragging me up to my room. Fuck. He's gonna spank me. I haven't been in trouble in weeks.

"Hands on the bed." He says sternly.

"I'm sor" he cuts me off, "too late to apologize. You cussed at me and you know you're not supposed to."

I turn around and place my hand on the bed. I hear him take his belt off and I grip my comforter to help with the pain I know is coming.

"Sage I understand you don't want to start a new school. I understand you've been through alot but that doesn't give you the ok to cuss at me. Do you understand?" He says lecturing me

"Yes." I say quietly

"Oweeeee!" I cried.

This shit hurts! I forgot what it felt like!

He continued raining smacks down on my butt. He even smacked my thighs which had me screaming bloody murder.

SWAP SWAP SWAP "don't cuss at me! Anymore!" SWAP SWAP "you have to go to school, whether you like it or not!" SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP

"Ok! Ok! Ok!" I cry with each smack. I pick up my hand to reach back but I remembered it gets worse if I do that so I just put it back down.

"Ahhh! Rue please!" I cried

He ignored me and continued abusing my butt. He alternated sides but each smack was coming down harder and faster from the last one.

After 3 more snacks he's finally done. My face is full of tears. He grabs me to stand up and pulls my face up to look at him. "You know better than to cuss at me Sage. I don't like having to do this but you give me no choice." He says sternly. "You have to go to school. You've already missed weeks of if. Do you understand?"

I nod.

"Verbal answer." He says raising an eyebrow

"Yes." I say

I really want to do school online. I'm not ready to go to school. And a new school at that.

"Rue. I'm not ready to go to school. Reign's death is still fresh. I don't want to cry at school if I start thinking about him." I say starting to cry. Rue hugs me and I can tell he's feeling bad about sending me to school. "Plea-please don't make me go. I just can't." I cry harder.

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