34. break in

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River took a guy out before I was even able to react. He literally saved my life.

Shots rained all over the living room. We took each guy out.
"Ever go to the safe room?" I say handing him my gun.

He grabs the gun and looks terrified.
"Grow some balls baby brother! Remember what we talked about!" I say sternly.

He nods and goes on route to the safe room where Sage and Aries are at.
"River, Prince, with me. Emilio, Jack clear the kitchen and back yard, then met us in the west wing." I say and everyone moves into position.

River and Prince follow me up the stairs, we are crouching and leaning against the wall. We take each step slowly, as we reach the top of the stair case, I peer around the corner and see someone going in and out the room.

"They are trashing the rooms." I say and signal to move forward. They follow me and we catch the guy in the middle of switching rooms and I shot him in the leg. "We need him. We gotta find out what the fuck they were after!" The boys go pick up the guy.

"Just fucking kill me! I won't tell you anything!" He yells as they carry him past me.

I sigh. This is not how I expected my night to end.

Emilio and Jack go up to the west wing. "I'll be up in a minute." I say going back down the stairs to look for Ever.

I walk over to where the safe room is and I see Ever holding Sage and Aries.

"Uncle Rue." Aries cries when he sees me. He runs to me with full speed. I put my gun away and pick him up. "I scared."

"I'm so sorry buddy. You don't have to be scared anymore. We are here. You are safe." I say hugging him tightly.

Sage looks at me with anger but I know she's just terrified. I reach out my arm to her and she gets up and runs to me. I hug both, Aries and Sage tightly.

"I'm so sorry Sagey. You did good going to the safe room and keeping you and Aries safe. I'm sorry I didn't get here faster." I say apologizing. She's trying to be brave but as soon as I apologized the tears came.

"Ever go up to the west wing." I command. He nods and obeys.

"Sage. We have to handle some business. I need you to keep watching Aries for me." I explain.

"I'm not his mother Rue! I'm tired of being his parent! He's been with me ever since Em has been in the hos- away. Just because I'm the girl, I have to take care of a kid?" She cries

"Sage. I understand how you are feeling, believe me. I had to be the parent to 4 of my siblings. it's not because you're a girl, it's because 2 of our brothers are away to get better, Ever is helping River and I out with business. I'm waiting to hear back from the nanny. This is just one thing I'm asking you to do opposed to the million things I do. I promise you, once I can get in touch with Jade you won't have to watch your nephew." I say to her.

I wasn't trying to make her feel bad, I truly understand how she's feeling but sometimes we gotta do shit we don't want to do. Hell, does she think I wanted to become a parent to my 4 bad ass younger siblings. River was basically the 2nd parent.

"Ok." She says as she takes Aries. "I'm going over to Jules' house. Her mom loves Aries."

"Ok." I say as I watch her go into the garage carrying Aries.

I wait a minute before I go up to the west wing. I have to change my mindset before doing this.
I also have to hire new security, get better security equipment and shit. I gotta get Ever a gun and make sure he knows how to use it, we also gotta teach him to fight. And we have to figure out who these people are and what they wanted.

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