Update/ Explaining some things

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Hey guys! I just want to explain somethings because I keep getting the same comments and messages over and over again about this book 😅 I love that y'all are commenting and everything but I'm writing this book. It's going to go the way I want it to go, if you don't like it simply don't read it. 🤷🏽‍♀️

1) People keep saying they wish the family was more loving or that Rue was nicer. In my eyes, the mafia lifestyle isn't all fun and games. It isn't butterflies and rainbows. Death is inescapable in this lifestyle regardless of how they go out. The person in charge is not going to be happy and loving, in my eyes they're going to be the most toxic person. Obviously they still care about their family, they just won't show it. They are in control of a lot (the business side of things, their men that work under them, keeping enemies away, making sure their family is safe, ect.) They don't have time to be emotionally vulnerable because that could fuck them up in the end. Emotions distract them from what they need to do and how they need to be. If you were in charge of a bunch of shit like Rue, it would be hard to keep the family together, especially since both his parents are gone. As sad as it is, I feel it's unfair that since he's the oldest he's in charge of keeping the family together. (Coming from someone who's an older sibling, why does all the responsibility fall on him when his siblings are old enough to understand. It's not like the rest of his siblings are younger than 5.) His siblings could do their part or at least help try to keep the family together, it shouldn't all fall on him.

2) Asher is gone y'all! People keep asking about Asher 😂 I write this story as it comes into my head. So he could come back into the story at any time but I don't have plans to make him come back. Asher left. He chose to escape, he went to a police station and after they questioned him, they helped him find somewhere to go. Idk where he went, I haven't gotten that far in his character's story. He's just gone and not in the story anymore. Rue and the brothers have been searching for him but eventually gave up since they haven't been able to get any updates on where he is after the police station. He could've went out the country for all they know.

3) I appreciate the comments and suggestions for the story, I really do. I feel like my version of a mafia story would be more realistic in terms of being toxic and not happy go lucky. Like I said earlier, ofc they still care about each and they still love each other but some families aren't the showing love type and are super toxic. Maybe I'm projecting some toxicity from my family 😂 but that's just how I want the story to be. I'm not changing it to be more loving or happy, so if you aren't enjoying it. You don't have to read it.

4) I keep getting a lot of comments asking about when I update the book. I try to post a chapter or 2 every Sunday.

If you do stick around after this, thank you for your support. If you don't, I hope you enjoyed reading this far and hopefully you'll check out one of my other books in the future.



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