42. 1st body

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It's been about 3 days since I trapped Ever in the interrogation room. Don't worry, I bring him food and he has water.

He still can't get it through his head that this is his reality now. Today is a big day! Ever is going to catch his first body. Idk if I just really like killing or if I'm just excited for Ever. I woke up on the right side of the bed but I know Ever is going to find a way to piss me off.

I get up and get dressed. I go across to the West Wing and I see all the boys chilling. Jo and Emeris are watching tv, River is reading at one of the tables, and Ever is still in the interrogation room.

"It's a big day for Ever!" Emeris says.

"I remember when Em got his first body! The look on his face!" Joziah laughs and we all start laughing. Feels like it was just yesterday!

"So who's his first body going to be?" River asks me.

"We have a snitch. One of our guys, Vino. He has to go." I say.

"No! Not vino!" Emeris says.

"He's worked for us for so long!" Joziah says.

"I know. He wasn't loyal and we can't let him go somewhere. Y'all know the rules." I say. "Let's go."

I go grab Ever from the room and drag him out.

"It's a big day!" Jo yells. And then all the boys try to hype Ever up. He just looks scared.

"I really don't want to do this." Ever says quietly.

"Oh brother! Dude! Get a fucking grip! We all had to do this at one point." Joziah yells at him.

"Fuck you Jo!" He yells.

Joziah gets mad and makes a run towards Ever. He clocks him really good and Ever falls on the ground.

"Get up bitch!" Jo yells.

"Fuck you!" Ever screams.

Jo grabs him and pushes him against the wall.

"Joziah. Enough." I command.

"You have fucking anger issues!" Ever yells.

"I don't understand how you can be such a pussy! How are we related?!" Joziah yells at Ever.

"Joziah. Go wait in the garage." I command.

"Wh-" he starts. I glance at him and he obeys.

"Ever. We have a snitch. And you're going to cap his ass. I don't want to hear no arguing." I say sternly. Ever looks at me like he's waiting for me to change my mind. But I'm not. "Everyone grab your things! We are going now."

Ever looks shock. "Let's go Ever." I say sternly. I walk over to him and grab his neck to make him move forward.

"Rue! Please!" He yells.

I drag him all the way downstairs and into our car. Security packs up everything else we need and we take off. The guy is already in our location. We suspected this dude was a snitch for a while now but something just confirmed it recently and we have no room for error right now. Too much has been going on and I need to get back into the grove so I can keep this family to stay #1.

We drive about 15 minutes away from our house to the same place our dad took me for my 1st body. It was an abandoned location that we own. It's been abandoned since I was younger but the parking garage is in use for the neighboring buildings.

We pull into the parking garage and our security opens the car door for Ever to get out but he refuses to. I get out my seat and walk over to his side and pull him out. "If you don't pull yourself together and do this shit, ima kill you. You better not embarrass the family." I say sternly. Ever's demeanor changed.

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