14. Aftermath

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I can't believe Reign is gone. I've been crying for a week straight. The house isn't the same without him. There's a hole at the dining room table. We haven't eaten there since. To be honest, I haven't eaten much. I can't bring myself to leave my room. I didn't start my new school and they've been calling Rue.

Rue is going through it, worse than any of us. I haven't seen him. He's always in the West Wing or he's always gone. I have no idea what he's up to.

Knock knock
"Yes." I say quietly

Emeris walks in. "You ok? Do you want to eat something? I brought waffles."

"I'm not hungry. Thanks tho." I say laying back down

"Sis. You have barley eaten this week." He says softly

"I can't. I can't eat." I start crying again. Fuck! I just stopped crying.

Emeris sits on my bed and hugs me until I calm down. "It's alright sis. We are going to get through this."


I haven't been able to leave the west wing all week, other than to work. Reign's death has taken a toll on me. All I feel is anger. River has been trying to get me out of my office but I just can't leave. The house is different without Reign. Everything is different. I can't bring myself to walk past his room on the way to mine knowing it's empty.

"Brother." River says walking into my office.

"Yes." I say plainly

"Brother. You got to leave your office. You been in here all week. Go take a shower. Eat some food. Get some sleep in your bed." River says

"I know. I know River. I just can't. I can't walk past his room. I can't go into the house. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about him! I can't stop being angry! I just can't! All I can do is work. All I can do is get the rest of these mother fuckers before they try to take us out. I'm going after the Rizzo family tonight. Are you in or out?" I say chocking up and trying not to let tears fall

"Rue. You are in no shape to take them on. Get some food in your system. Get some rest. I can take care of it." He says trying to convince me.

"I'm done with this conversation River. Please just give me some peace and quiet brother." I say sternly.

"Ok brother. I'll be back later to check on you." He says. I appreciate that he's checking on me. I really do, even though it doesn't sound like it.

I get back to work and then get a call from Pete.

Hey. The Rizzos will be at their second house tonight. We can hit him there.

Ok perfect

I hang up the phone. After the Rizzo Fam. There's 2 more families that I have to take out. The Romanos and The Rossis. Those are 2 families that are hard to find. I'm determined to get all the families out. Even if they had nothing to do with Reign's death, they have to go. They won't stop until we are all dead. And that isn't going to happen. I'm done with bull shit and I'm ready for war.

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