19. Choas II

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The doctor comes to the waiting room to inform Emeris that he can see the baby.

Emeris looks scared and Rue goes back with him.

I didn't have a good feeling about today but never expected for this to happen!

Rue comes back saying we can meet our nephew. Im the first one to hop up. With all this death I've been waiting for a miracle and he's here!

We walk back and see this beautiful tan baby. He's wrapped in blue and sleeping. He's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

"Emeris he's beautiful." Ever says

Emeris slightly smiles.

"What's his name?" River asks

"His name is Aries." Emeris says.

"Oh I love it!" I say quietly

Emeris let's me hold Aries and I can't stop smiling. He's so cute! I honestly have no clue how Em is going to take care of him. I'm also not ready for having a baby in our house. The crying! Ugh!

"Are we able to take him home doc?" River asks the doctor when he comes back to check in.

"Yes! All the tests came back normal. He's a perfectly healthy boy. And again I'm so sorry about Lauryn Emeris."

"Thank you." Emeris says quietly.

Poor Em. I feel so bad. None of us expected Lauryn to pass and now he's a single father. But we are here to help him.

Rue gets a phone call from Pete and says "we gotta go."

"What is it brother?" River asks

"We got business. There's someone left of the Rossi family. We gotta go." Rue says.

We get everything and head home with Aries.

Emeris is looking at his baby boy and he looks so sad. I'm really feeling bad for him.

"Emeris, you need to start looking into Nannie's for the baby." Rue says.

Emeris doesn't say anything back.

"Em. Did you hear me?" Rue asked sternly

"Yes brother." Emeris says sighing.

We get home and Emeris goes up to his room with the baby. He asked the staff to get him a crib and things for Aries.

I go to my room and just plop in my bed and fall asleep.


I feel so bad for Emeris! I'll admit I was very upset with him but this is something else. This was unexpected. Everything was going good! Lauryn was healthy! Emeris is now a single father with no clue how to take care of a baby. Lauryn's parents may try to get this baby from us. Rue and I need to talk. Maybe it would be best for Lauryn's parents to have the baby. Emeris could have him on the weekends or something. It's ultimately up to Emeris, we will support him either way but we do need to talk about it.

Rue and I are heading out with Joziah to finish some business. We grab our things and head to the garage.

"Brother. We gotta talk about Emeris and the baby." I say quietly

Rue nods and we walk to get in the black SUVs. "What's up?" He says

"Lauryn's parents are going to want to see Aries. Don't you think they are going to try and get custody?" I ask. I want Em to be in his kid's life but also I do think the baby may be better off with people who know how to care for a child. Rue and I took care of Sage and River but this is a newborn baby!

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