4. Mission: Get Ever in trouble

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I wake up the next morning to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I sit up in bed but winced loudly because my ass is still sore. Rue did a number on me yesterday. I get out of bed slowly and pick out an outfit. I chose to wear a black tennis shirt, that may have been a bit short, and a pink crop top with some white converse. I threw on some gold jewelry and put my hair up in a bun while I didn't some light makeup. After I finished my makeup I straightened my hair, spayed some perfume, and went downstairs for breakfast.

I ordered some yogurt and a waffle from the staff and waited for them to bring it out. Ever met me downstairs and looked me up and down. "Don't you think that skirt is too short?" He questioned
"No."I said blowing him off. "What do you think Rue and the rest of our brothers will say about it?" He asked getting loud. "Who gives a fuck Ever?! I can dress how I want!" I yell

"Hey!" River says loudly. I had no clue he was listening to our conversation. "Stand up." He ordered. I obeyed and stood up but threw my head back showing I had an attitude. My skirt came up to my mid thigh. I don't think that's too short!

"Ever is right! Your skirt is too short. Go change." River demanded. I get they're being protective but fuck I should be able to wear what I want!

"I should be able to wear what I want River." I say whining. "Don't argue with me Sage. Go change. Now." He said sternly
"I don't want to." I said crossing my arms and challenging River.

"Don't make me bring Rue into this. I promise you won't like it." He threatens.
"Ughhh!" I groan loudly and stomp up the stairs to go change. Ever count your days. I change into some shorts that were even worse than the skirt and a spaghetti top. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen and River glared at me like he wanted to choke the shit outta me.

"Sage you're joking right? Do you want a spanking before school?" He asked growling

I ignored him. River leaves the kitchen and when he comes back I feel a cold presence. Do I dare to turn around? I slowly look out the corner of my eye and Rue is standing there with his hands crossed and Ever is sitting besides me smirking.

"Sage." Rue says in a low tone. "What the hell are you wearing? Didn't Ever and River tell you to change?"

"Yes." I say looking at the ground
"Look at me." He says growling again. He must be pissed by what I'm wearing. Or that I didn't listen.
I slowly look up at him. "We expect you to dress appropriately. What you are wearing isn't appropriate for school. Your older brothers told you to go change and you are playing games. Do I need to remind you what happens when you disobey?"

I shook my head.
"Answer properly." Rue scolded
"No sir." I say quietly
"Go change into something appropriate and don't make me tell you again."

I ran past him and go up to my room to change once again. Ugh! This family makes me want to murder people! This time I threw on some Nike shorts and a crop top that said love on it. I went back downstairs to try and finish breakfast and Rue and River were still there to inspect my outfit.

"You couldn't have put on a longer tshirt?" River asks smirking
"Piss off!" I yelled. Before I knew it Rue had me turned around and landed 10 hard smacks to my butt. I didn't whine or anything but after he was done I rubbed my butt trying to get the stinging to go away. Of course it didn't work.
"Finish your breakfast." Rue glared.

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