35. One less brother

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"We can't let Ever leave." River says

"Yes we can. He doesn't want to be apart of this family, let him go." I say annoyed.

"Rue. He just doesn't want to be in the business. You think dad would kick him out?!" River yells at me.

"Yes! I genuinely do! You know dad lived and breathed this business! He missed birthdays, school graduations, his first daughter being born in order to do this job! He missed so much of our lives for this shit. To know, 2 of his sons are away for issues and 1 doesn't want anything to do with the business he built would kill him. Dad stated in his will that if we choose to leave, we leave everything." I yell back distraught.

"Dad was an ass, that doesn't mean you need to be. Fuck his will." River says.

I could feel my anger rising.
"Don't you ever say that about dad! He's not here to defend himself! Do you know how many people wished they had this life? To not have to worry about bills and what they are going to eat. You should be grateful for what he's built." I say grabbing River's collar.

"Brother. I didn't mean it like that." River says putting his hands up in surrender.

"Dad may have been an ass, but it made us stronger. It's my job to make Ever stronger since dad isn't here. If he chooses to leave so be it. He'll have to figure it out." I say and walk to my office.


I know Rue. And I know he doesn't want Ever to leave but he's putting up a facade.

I leave the west wing and walk to Ever's room to see him pack some of his clothes in a suit case.

"Ever please stay." I say trying to smooth things over.

"No River! Rue is an ass!" Ever yells

"I know little brother but he does love you and he does want you to stay, even though he may not say it." I try to convince him. "He's just going through a lot with Emeris and Joziah, and you know the anniversary of Dad's death is coming up. He gets this way around that day. Losing dad changed our life and his more than ours. You may think im making excuses or whatever but that's something to take in account for the way he is."

Ever stops to look at me. But then continues packing. "River, I'm not meant for this life. You know it, Rue knows it, I know it. I'm no help to you guys, I can't do this. It scares the shit out of me everytime we have to "handle" something."

We hear someone walking down the hall.

"What's going on?" Sage asked confused. I guess she came back home.

"I'm leaving this house." Ever says

"Excuse me?!" Sage's voice starts to shake. "What do you mean you're leaving?!"

"Rue is kicking me out. So I'm leaving." Ever says

"Wait a minute, Rue isn't kicking him out. Ever you're choosing to leave." I say

"He told me if I leave, to never come back. How is that not kicking someone out?" Ever says grabbing more stuff.

"Ever please don't go!" Sage yells starting to cry.

"I'm sorry Sage. I'm just not meant for this." He says

"Meant for what?!" She yells

"The family business! If I don't join, I get cut off. I'm not joining so I'm getting cut off." Ever explained.
Sage turned to me.

"You're just going to let him leave!" She yells at me

"I'm trying to get him to stay. Rue doesn't really want him to leave but you know he's not going to admit it." I explained.

"Ever it's dangerous out there! Where are you going to go? How can we see you if you leave?" Sage cries.

"You have my number, just let me know when you want to see me and I'll try my best to come see you Sagey." Ever says hugging Sage and grabbing his suitcase to leave.

"Ever wait!" I say as he starts going down the stairs.

I look up and see Rue watching the entire scene.

"Ever! Please stay. Let's just go talk." I try one more time.

"I'm sorry Riv. I'm done talking." Ever says as he hands me his car and house keys. And waves bye to Sage. He looks up at Rue and just turns around to walk out the door.

"Ever!" Sage yells trying to run after him but I grab her.

"Sage, we have to let him go." I say hugging her as she cries. She looks up and sees Rue and absolutely loses it.

"It's your fucking fault! Why are you letting Ever leave when it's dangerous out there?! You're a horrible older brother! And I can't wait to fucking leave this house! Fuck you Rue!" She yells and storms off to her room.

Rue goes back into the West Wing. I follow, I run up the stairs. It looks like he's about to have one of his rage fits.

"Fuck!" I hear Rue scream.

I open the doors to the West Wing and see him slamming shit and throwing stuff. I knew he didn't want Ever to leave. I just wish he would have said something.

"Brother! Stop!" I yell. Rue walks over to me, grabs my shirt, and punches me.

I fall on the ground and hold my face.

Rue goes back to destroying stuff. I stand up and go up to him and punch him back because what the fuck, I'm trying to help and you hit me. It only makes him angrier. He pushes me back and swings and punched me again. This time when I fell I stayed down.

"Rue! Stop!" I yell.

Rue stops. He's breathing hard and tears are starting to fall out of his eyes and he storms off to his office.

I shake my head and get up to clean the damage.
This is getting crazy.

After I clean up, I go check on Rue. I knock at the door and he didn't answer so I just walked in.

His bottle of alcohol is half way gone. "Brother. I kno-

"I'm sorry River. I didn't mean to punch you." He says cutting me off. "It's just. I'm just. It's getting to be too much. Dad had such a handle on things and under my control, 2 brothers had to be put away and 1 left, 1 died. It's just us and Sage now." He turns around to face me. "How did this happen?! How is there only us left?"

"Joziah and Em aren't gone, brother. They just need some help and hopefully they'll be able to come back soon. We will figure everything out." I say trying to comfort him.

It sucks having to be the person to pull Rue back in from the dark place his mind can go, but that's what I'm here for. He may be my older brother but I'll always have his back. I can't imagine being in Rue's position. I hope I never have to be.

Hey readers!

thanks for voting for future story lines in the last chapter but I decided to do all 3 😂

It was hard to pick just one and I have some good chapter ideas for each option and y'all gave me some good ideas as well!

I hope you enjoy and I have a surprise coming soon! 🤭


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