11. Spill the Tea

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Ever and I finally go up to his room after eating dinner.

"Ok tell me." I yell quietly.

"Shhh. Wait a second!" Ever also yells quietly as he shuts his bedroom door.

"This information is going to be a bit shocking Sage. You can't tell anyone I told you, you can't tell anyone at school or your friends anything, and definitely don't tell Rue or River that you know!" He says sternly

"Ok ok! Get on with it!" I say barley listening.

"We are in the Mafia." Ever blunts out

My jaw dropped to my ass. Excuse me what?! The rumors were true. I mean I sort of believed them but I really didn't think it was true. What! I stay silent and Ever looks at me concerned.

"Are you ok?" Ever says unsure of how I'll react.

"You mean to tell me you all have been lying to me!" I yell

"Sage! Shut the fuck up!" Ever yells quietly

"No! This is crazy! That's why that dude tried to kidnap or murder me! That's why I got expelled! That's why" I was cut off

"I understand you're upset but you need to chill! I wasn't supposed to say anything. I don't need my ass kicked because you can't shut up!" He yelled covering my mouth.

My mind was all over the place. I just wanted to scream. I wanted to beat Rue's ass. Even though I wouldn't be able to do that physically. How! How was I born into this family!

I leave Ever's room and stomp down the hall.

"Sage!" Ever yells trying to get me back into his room. I bet he regrets telling me now.

I walk to Rue's room and bang on the door. I know he's going to kill me but this rage I'm feeling, I need to let it out and he's the one.

"What the hell!" Rue yells as he opens the door.

"You lied to me!" I scream "you've been lying to me my whole life!"

All my brothers come out of their rooms to see what's going on.

"What are you talking about Sage?" Rue asks confused.

"Why couldn't I know that y'all are in the Mafia!" I yell.

Fuck! Fuck! Didn't Ever say I wasn't supposed to say anything. I look around and all my brothers' jaws are to the floor. Damn!

"Where did you hear that crazy information?" Rue says trying to play it off or maybe he was tricking me into snitching.

"Stop lying Rue! Ever told me!" I yelled not realizing what I said.

Rue turns to look at Ever who's peeking his head out of his door and he quickly shuts and locks the door. Rue looks pissed. Oh no! What did I do?! Rue stomps over the Ever's door and bangs on it.

"Ever open this fucking door now!" He yells. If I was Ever I'd hop the window and run. Did I just get my brother killed?

"Sage in your room now. We will talk later." River says.

"Fuck you River! You're a liar! All of you are! I want to go live with someone else!" I yell.

"Sage! Go to your room!" Rue yells. Rue rarely yells so I know he's serious.

"Fuck all of you." I say before going to my room

"Ever!" Rue yells and then I hear a loud bang. I turn around and Rue kicked in his door. He walks in and grabs Ever, carrying him out of his room. Ever is kicking and pleading. Fuck! I didn't mean to get Ever in trouble.

Rue is taking him to the West Wing. I just go in my room and lock the door.


I can't believe that bitch! Literally told her not to say anything and she snitched 5 seconds after I told her! Rue is finna kill me.

He took me to the West Wing and all my brothers follow us there. I'm scared as fuck! He drags me all the way into the sparing room.

"In the ring." He says sternly

"Rue please." I say quietly wanting to cry.

He doesn't say anything but just stares at me. I just do as he says. He already broke my arm, I'm scared for what he's going to do now.

He climbs into the ring and starts his lecture. "You told Sage! Why the fuck! Are you dumb!" He's jumping all over the place with his lecture. I can tell he's so mad he can't even process what to say.

he punches me. I wasn't ready. I hold my cheek.

"Sage wasn't supposed to know until she was 18!" He yells. "Her knowing can put her in more dangerous dumb ass!"

BAM BAM he punches me again
"Ahhh!" I yell

"You're a fucking idiot!" He yells. He grabs my unbroken arm and I freak out because I know he's about to break it.

He twisted it and SNAP broke my other arm.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I scream.
He then grabbed my leg and SNAP broke my leg. I feel onto the ground.

"Brother!" River says pulling Rue off of me. "Chill. Chill Rue."

"Ahhhhh." I continue to scream. Reign jumps into the ring to calm me down.

"Call the doc." River says. "Rue you need to go chill for a second."

Rue pushes past River and Reign and punches me 3 more times. "You are on thin ice. You know what we do to people who tell our business. I don't know where you got the idea to tell our 13 year old little sister Ever!"

"She wanted to know and she should!" I say between my tears and heavy breaths. Rue walks up on me again and grabs me by my shirt lifting me off the ground.

"She is 13! I'm her legal guardian! You don't have the right to pick and choose what she doesn't and does know!" He yells and then throws me on the ground.

He walks to his office and Emeris and Reign helps me up and out of the West Wing.
I started crying.

"Brother. You'll be ok." Emeris says

"Ru-rue i-is so p-p-pissed." I crying with my breathing getting out of control.

"He'll get over it." Em says

"I'm n-not so s-sure." I say holding my other broken arm.

The doctors arrives and says "geez what happened?!"

"Rue." Emeris says.

I can't believe Sage. I'm never telling her shit again. I should've know she couldn't handle it! I don't know why I trusted her!

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