6. River

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Emeris comes in to check on me. But he looks upset.
"You good?" He asks

"Yea I'm ok." I answer back.
"Rue, River, and Ever will be back soon. If you need something I'll be in my room." He says plainly. "Where's Reign and Jo?" I ask confused
"Working." He says plainly and then leaves me in my room.

I need to get to the other side of the house. Rue and River are gone. Jo and Reign are working. Now is my chance!
I go into Ever's room and look for a key for the locked door. Ever is so stupid! I found the key between his mattress. He really needs a better hiding spot. I peak out of my room and hear absolutely nothing. So I walk over to the other side and put the key in to unlock it. But was stopped when Joziah opens the door and sees me. He shuts the door very fast but I was able to see a bit more inside. There's was a lobby type room and then a hallway.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Joziah yells making me want to shrink. "Wait until I tell Rue that you tried to break in! You know you can't come in here Sage! Back in your room!"

"Snitch" I say. He glared at me.
I drop the key and run back to my room. Fuck! I didn't know they were over there working! I'm fucked! Jo is definitely going to tell Rue and I can't talk my way out of this.


I hear someone bust into the house. And I hear yelling. I open my door and was met with my brothers scrambling around and Rue carrying River inside the house.

"What the fuck happened?!" I scream running downstairs
"River was shot." Rue says plainly trying to work. "Someone call the doctor!" Emeris grabs his phone to call him.

"What we're y'all doing?! How did he get shot?! What the fuck?!" I scream

"Sage, up to your room now!" Rue yells

"No!" I scream about to cry at the sight of my brother bleeding and barley conscious.

"Ever! Take her upstairs!" Rue yells. Ever walks over to me and picks me up to take me to my room.
"Let me go!" I scream kicking him. He drags me all the way to my room and locks my door from the outside.

I banged on my door for 15 minutes trying to break it down. I start crying thinking my brother was going to die.


I can't believe this happened! I'm so pissed! Ughhh!

"Ever! Go to my bathroom and grab gaze, medical tape, and hydrogen peroxide!" I yelled to my youngest brother. "Youre gonna be alright River! Doc is on the way." I say nervously.

He was shot in his shoulder but he's losing a lot of blood and I can't control it. Ever runs down the stairs with everything I asked him to get.

"Who did this?!" Joziah yells

"We went to speak to Marco and the De Luca family ambushed us!" I yell panicking. "How far is the doc?!"

"Almost here!" Emeris says

"Where was Pete?!" Joziah yells panicking.
Pete is our head of security and my body guard.

"After he heard the gun shots, he busted in shooting!" I yell still panicking.

"What the fuck yo!" Joziah yells leaving the room

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