20. Rue vs Riv

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Rue knocks the shit out of me and I fall onto the floor.

"DAMNNN!" Ever yells

I get up and swing back landing my fist into Rue's thick ass jaw. He instantly became angrier.

He swings and hits me in the stomach and then the nose.

"Fuck!" I yell.

"Brother! You tried to argue with me. You know better. You are the 2nd oldest. Don't you dare question me again. Understood?" Rue says

"Yes." I say backing up. But before I could get away Rue threw down punch after punch. He didn't let up and I couldn't throw a punch with how fast he was going.

"Rue." I say quietly as he still hits me.

"Rue chill." Joziah says from the sidelines but he sounded further away. My eyes felt like it started to flicker. I couldn't keep them open but all o felt was Rue punching the shit out of me.

I hear Joziah and Ever run into the ring and try to grab Rue off of me. Rue pushes them off and lifts me up off the ground. I feel super loose and I'm flopping in the air.
"Try that shit again. And you're dead." Rue says harshly and then he drops me on the floor. He walked off and I just stayed laid out on the floor. Everything felt numb. My face was full of blood. Rue is ruthless. I've devoted myself to him. I think about him before I think about myself. I do everything he asks me to do and this is what I get for speaking my mind once?! Are we living in a dictatorship?! Don't I get some type of say over shit?! I am the 2nd oldest! If something happens to Rue, I'll have to take over so I should get some respect.

"Brother. Get up." Joziah says trying to get me up. I cant open my eyes. Either they're swollen shut or Rue knocked my ass out cold.

"Brother!" Ever yells

"Sh-shut the fuck up." I say slurring my words. "My head is killing me."

"Bro. You need to get to bed. We're going to call the doc!" Joziah says. I see Rue come into the room. He walks over and I start yelling, "no! Get away! I'm sorry!" I don't want my ass beat again.

"Relax." He said plainly and lifts me up to take me to my room.

Once we get to my room, he laid me on my bed and left. I'm assuming he's going to go help Gio to his room. I instantly feel asleep. Fuck the doctor, I just want to sleep.


I didn't want to have to do that to River. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without him but I can't have him questioning my choices. Then the rest of the siblings will think that's ok and it's not! I won't have it!

This boy. Gio. We can't take him to the police station, they'll ask to many questions and start to investigate. But there's also a chance when this can bite us in the ass later on. But also nothing could go wrong.

Emeris comes down from his room finally and he looks exhausted. "Hey." He says quietly. "Who that kid?"

"We went on a business run to take out the last Rossi and it turns out it was a 13 year old kid so we brought him here." I tell Em quietly

"So is he staying?" He asked

"I'm not sure yet. I don't what to do. Taking him to the police station would put eyes on us and could potentially fuck us up." I say and he nods in agreement.

"Yea true. Just change his name and make him apart of the fam. Can't Max get some documents for him?" He says agreeing with my plan.

"Yea. He can. That was my plan originally but Riv got me over thinking." I say shaking my head.

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