3. Joziah

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He punches me in the jaw again and then grabs my arm. I know what he's about to do so I try and fight him. "Rue please no!" I beg. "Rue don't!" I hear River yell. CRACK "ahhhhh." I scream. He broke my arm. Once I fell to grab my arm, he punches me over and over again until I'm barley conscious. "Rue stop!" I hear River yell before I black out.

"Rue what the fuck!" I hear someone yell as I open my eyes and see a very very bright light. Then I was drowned by my older brother throwing water over my head making me jump up super quick. As I stand up I realize my arm is broken. "Ahhh." I scream again. "Let me see your arm." I look up and see it's Rue. I back up terrified. "You broke my arm." I said to scared to move. "To teach you a lesson. You think you're made of steel. You need to understand that you are not! Drinking is not going to help you, it's only going to make things worse Jo. I tried talking to you but talking doesn't get through anyone's head in this family, so I'm going to have to resort to violence. I know I'm not dad but dad isn't hear anymore. I need you guys to respect me even if I have to make you fear me so that I can keep you safe from enemies!" Rue said sternly.

I get where he's coming from but damn did he really have to break my arm? This is a horrible punishment. "Do you understand why I had to do this Joziah?" Rue asks sternly. "Yes sir." I say.

"Good, now let's go upstairs so I can call the doctor to come check you out." He led me upstairs. Reign and Emeris were sitting on the couch watching tv. As soon as they saw Rue and I, their eyes grew big. Rue sat me down on one of the chairs and gave me some ice for my face. He most definitely beat my ass. My arm was broken, face swollen, I have a cut on my forehead, nose is bleeding. I'm also sore as fuck!

After all of this I still wanted a drink. Losing dad has been hard I'll admit and I found that I felt better after some drinks. Ok ok maybe 10 drinks. As I kept drinking everyday I started drinking full bottles of liquor. Rue was right, I've gotten out of hand but I can't help the fact that I'm hurting. Losing dad was a shock and the fact that we could have stopped it from happening is what's eating me up!

Our head of security, Pete brought in the good doctor. "Wassup doc." I say happy to see him. Hoping he'll give me some pain meds. "Looks like you went through a blender." He says chuckling. He checked out my arm first and told me I had to wear a cast for 6-8 weeks. Thanks Rue. I rolled my eyes at the fact of being in cast. He stitched up my cut and gave me some pain medicine. I guess Rue saw I was overly excited about the meds. He took them from me and said "I'll administer the pills to you at the appropriate times brother." I rolled my eyes.

"Ever, Emeris, Regin go up to your rooms. I need to speak with River and Jo. Don't wake your sister up!" He says sternly. They all ran up to their rooms.

"Ok I'll be back in 6 weeks to check your arm Joziah. Nice to see you boys again. Good night." Dr. Shepherd says. Dr. Shepherd has been our family doctor for years. He's literally seen us all grow up and even helped mom deliver Ever and Sage.

The good doctor left. And Rue sat down with River and I. "Look Joziah. I'm not happy that I had to do this to you. But I need you to understand that this is serious." Rue began to lecture. "If you don't pull your act together, Reign will be taking your space as 3rd in command. You are close to losing all my trust. And once you do that, you're out. And I mean out completely." He was dead ass serious. I could see it in his eyes. I can't let Reign take my spot so I'm done drinking!

"Rue may have gone too far" River says glaring at him, "but he's totally right. The way you're going is setting us up for something dangerous. We don't need anymore deaths in the family Jo. Talk to us if you need help!"

I gulp. "Losing Dad hurts so bad. I'll be honest, I want a drink right now." I say wanting to break down. But my brothers will view me as weak so I pull myself together. "Drinking has numbed the pain. I agree it's gone on too long. And I know I'm supposed to be an example for our younger siblings but it's hard. Change is not easy for me." I look down at my arm.

"We know Jo. Losing dad hasn't been easy for us. It's a lot of change for us as well. But we are here. We'll help you get through your drinking problem." River says. Rue nods in agreement with River.

"Ok wobble up to your room." Rue says smirking.

I get up and go up to my room and plop down in my bed. Rue and River must have some business to do. Sucks I can't be apart of it but I understand why.

Rue did a number on me and I was already dozing off after being in bed for 5 minutes. Soon I was fast asleep.

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