8. Rumor has it

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I walk into my office to sit and think. We still need to figure out where these rumors are coming from. Marco is dead so we are going to have to go to Dean.
Dean is an annoying bastard. He gives us great intel but it's takes him forever to get to the point. He likes to talk ALL around the bush instead of getting to the point. It could be nervous babbling. I do tend to make people nervous.

River is still doing fine. He hasn't been out of bed much. I'm so lost without him being by my side. I don't know where to start. I just want to break down doors and get answers. These rumors are ridiculous. How did they even start?

I decided to go speak with Ever to see where his head is at. He was in his room reading.
"Hey." He says when he notices I'm at his door. He looks scared.

"Little brother. We need to talk." I say to him

"Ok." He says putting his book away.

"The family business is important. How do you think we got all this stuff and we're able to live comfortably. The family business keeps going for ages because the family has multiple people to keep taking over when the one on top isn't able to be in control anymore. This business has been in our family for before I can even know. One day you will be the head and hopefully you are fortunate enough to have kids who will then take over one day." I say to him trying to get him to see the vision.

"I know it's important but I just don't think I'm able to do this Rue. Killing people isn't normal. I want to go to college. Maybe I could help out with other things that are important. I could go to school to be a lawyer and help out with that type of stuff." He says

I laugh a little bit. "We don't need a lawyer, we never get caught. But I get what you're saying. Ever if you were to go to college. What do you want to major in? How could you help?"

"Umm I don't have a major in mind yet. And I'm not really sure what I can do to help out. I'm not like you guys." He says putting his head down.

"I wasn't always like this Ever. Dad pushed me to become this way and frankly I like this me better than the one who was soft and weak." I say bluntly. I'm not trying to make him feel soft and weak but he kind of is. I get the family business is a lot but he's already in it.

"I just don't think I'll ever be ready to be in it." Ever says

"I'll just have to push you more." I say. He hasn't been out in the field much. I've been pushing him slowly because he's still in school.

"Can i go back to reading my book?" Ever asks. He doesn't want to talk about this anymore and I respect it.

"Ok. But this conversation isn't over Ever. You will and can be an important asset in our family business. We can talk more about college at another time but for right now, I'm not so sure." I say to him leaving his room.

Maybe he can be in charge of financial shit or our properties. Idk yet. I want him to be happy, he's my baby brother. But this is what we do in our family and he needs to get on board.

I go back to the West Wing and see Joziah and Emeris arguing in the sparing room.

I walk in and they both stop immediately.
"What are y'all fussing about?" I said plainly. They both stay silent. "Answer." I said more harshly

"It's nothing." Joziah says

"Don't lie to me." I say sternly.

"It really is nothing." He says putting his hands up.

"Alright. I don't want to come back in here and hear y'all arguing. Then we are gonna have a problem." I say leaving the room.

River walks into the West Wing and I say "brother what are you doing up! You should be resting!"

"I'm good. I can't stay in there anymore. I'm tired of being in that room." He says chuckling.

I slightly smile still worried about him. He goes in his office and closes the door.

"Emeris." I yell. Emeris runs out of the sparing room. "Yes?" He says.

"I need you to start looking at leads for this whole rumor situation. Go down to Sage's old school and speak with the principal. Take Ever with you, he's in his room." I say and he nods and leaves the West Wing.

"Can i go with him?" Joziah asks
"No. I need you to go speak to Dean. We need to figure out about these rumors. Dean may know something. If he gives you a hard time, convince him to give you the info." I say smirking.
He nods and leaves also.

I walk to River's office and walk in.
"Hey brother." I sigh
"You ok?" He asks. No I'm not. Since he got shot I've been all over the place.

"I'm good. I'm good." I say trying to be convincing. "Sage isn't to happy with her new school." I say trying to change the topic.

He chuckles. "It's the uniforms that's pissing her off isn't it?"

"Hell yea." I say laughing. "Her face instantly changed as soon as she saw it. She gave a lot of attitude but I let it slide since it's sorta my fault that she was expelled."

"She's the one that got into a fight. If she didn't beat that girl's ass we wouldn't be in this situation." He says

"I know. But if I knew about the rumors, it wouldn't have gotten her expelled. We would've handled it by now." I sigh. "Dad made all this look so easy and it's just been kicking me in the ass."

"I know brother. I'm here to help, however I can!" He says

I slightly smile. River is the best right hand man.
"I'm not sure what to do about Ever."

"Ever just needs time and to be pushed more." He says.

"Yea. He has his mind set on college and tried to convince me that he could go to college and major in something that could help the family business. I told him I'll think about it but this is the way our family has been for years and I don't know if I want to change that. But I also think it may be a bit unfair for Sage to go to college down the line and he can't. He may resent me for the rest of his life." I say worried

"He needs to understand that he's apart of the family business now. Maybe college isn't a bad idea for him and he could potentially help us out since he's not much help out in the field." He says

"Yea I'll think about it more." I say. I get up and go in my office to do some work and wait for the boys to come back.


I'm so pissed! Why can't I just do school online or something?! I don't want to go to this bougie ass school with those stupid ass uniforms!

I can't believe this is happening. I'm so pissed I can't even stay in this house! I'm leaving. I grab my backpack and pack up something's and open my window. It's a long way down. I'm on the 2nd floor.
If I jump, will I break my leg? If I do then I won't have to go to school. I smile slightly at the idea.

I brace myself to jump and then I just jump but I roll and end on my back. Fuck that was scary. I get up and take off running. I hop the fence and the alarms start going off so I run even faster to get away from the house before security sees me. Luckily we don't have security at the front gate. Instead they are on the opposite side of where I jumped over.

I run until I reach my old school which isn't too far from the house. I see Emeris and Ever walking out of the school so I run to the side. What the fuck are they doing here?! I wait for them to leave the parking lot and then I run to the front door and go in. Jules is at cheer practice right now. So I walk to the field and I see them chilling. I run over to them and they all get excited to see me.

"Sage!" Jules yells and runs to me to hug and she knocks us down. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too!" I say laughing

"I'm sorry you don't like your new school. It sucks they have uniforms." She says hugging me again.

"It's horrible!" I say shaking my head

"What are you doing here?" She asks happily

"I ran away. I jumped out of my window." I say laughing

"Oh my god!" She says laughing. "Well stay here until I finish practice and then we can go get food or something."

"Ok." I take a seat on the bleachers and watch them practice.

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