44. i need peace

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                                      RUE'S POV

Everyone is constantly mad at me. Everyone is always saying fuck Rue. When I'm the one that holds this fucking family together! Without me they wouldn't survive.

I have to be the way that I am or the struggles of my family will spill into work and become an even bigger mess! I need Ever to accept the lifestyle so we can get back to work! We are so behind on a lot. Dealing with everything we've dealt with the past few months has been putting a lot of extra stress on me. I was constantly trying to make everyone happy that work fell behind, my discipline and training fell behind, and the business is starting to fall behind. I can't let this happen. I'm going to have to take a trip somewhere, alone so that I can focus and figure out what I'm going to do. Of course Pete will come with me. I'll leave my best guys at the house with my siblings.

I just hope River isn't annoyed with me wanting to go alone. I need him to stay here just in case something happens. I need to gather my head.

I call Pete letting him know I'm ready to go. He tells me some of his guys has my stuff already in the car. I packed all my work stuff and I go downstairs. Everyone is sitting in the living room watching tv. Pete walks in from the garage as I'm walking down the stairs.

River walks over to me, "Rue what's going on?" He asks looking nervous.

"River, I have to do some work but I can't focus here. I'm leaving for a day or 2, however long I need. Pete is coming with me." I say quietly.

"Wait. Ru-" I cut River off.

"River, I need you to stay here. Keep everyone under control." I say sternly and turn around to leave.

"Rue." River says quietly but ignore him and walk out.

I walk to my car and take a deep breath and get in the car.

I don't know why this is so hard. Leaving my siblings, I've done this a million times but it feels so odd this time. I didn't give Riv the chance to ask to come with me because I knew I would've caved. The thought of being alone with my thoughts scares me sometimes because my thoughts are scary. It's really difficult to explain but the truth is, growing up the way that I did changed who I was meant to be. My dad's lifestyle and my mom's love for my dad caused this outcome and it truly makes me think about how different my life could have been if my parents weren't so fucked up in the head.

Sometimes sitting with my thoughts is the only way I can clear how crowded my head feels. That's what I need to do so I can get back on track with my life, with the business, with my siblings. I'm the lifeline, it's just the role that I'm in and I'm slacking. I need to deal with these emotions that are stirring up and I need to breathe and process.

I'm headed to the Glass House. The Glass House is one of my dad's properties, it's an inheritance along with the other 4 houses. The Glass House is a beautiful 2 story house with big windows and a lot of land. On that land there's trails, creeks, ect,. The house is beautiful.

(Pictures of what I imagine the house would look like)

(Pictures of what I imagine the house would look like)

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This is where we keep files and records. There's always 2 guards on duty. Also my older cousin, Amir stays here. I met him when I was about 10 and he was 12. Dad told me one day I'd be his boss. He's Uncle Rain's son. Amir chose our grandfather over Uncle R so they don't talk and haven't since Amir joined the family business. That's why Rain only mentions his daughters.

It's sad that this lifestyle actually fucks up families. And my family at that.

We get to the Glass house and the driver pulls into the secluded driveway. I get out and they get my bags and follow me into the house.

"Rue!" Amir yells excitedly.

"Hey!" I say and hug him.

"You look good bro!" He says smiling.

"Thank you!" I say smiling for the first time in a year, I think.

"I hear you needed a break." He says chuckling.

Amir was there when my dad became in charge and when I became in charge. Amir was my first right hand man before River. I think I'd consider him my best friend. The day after Dad died our lawyer read the will to me and River, and I heard he left us 5 house I instantly called Amir and told him to pick one. He chose the glass house and thats what he named it. He loves to read, and loves the land. He also has a couple dogs. It's perfect for him. And since he was always there for me, even when dad fucked us over. I had to repay him for that.

I walk over to where he sat down and saw he was rolling a blunt. I instantly remember my first time smoking and it was with Amir.

"Yea man. Life is something." I say sighing.
He lights the blunt and puffs. He nods and hands it to me. I grab and hit it.

"I know you came here to work. But you should take some time to relax. You look tense Rue." Amir says laughing.  I hand the blunt back to him and smile.

"I am tense."I say coughing. "I'm currently trying to get Ever to accept his role and our life. You see, I agreed to let him go to college and he came back wanting a normal life forgetting that I said he could go to college for something that'll help the family business."

"Damnn." Amir says.

"Yea! I knew Ever was soft but this is absolutely ridiculous. I don't even want to get into the details because I'll just get mad again." I say laughing. "But he's really just not meant for this life and I've been trying to find an alternative way he could still work for the business and get his inheritance but he needs a job that doesn't get messy. And then all my siblings are mad at me because of how I react or deal with situations but they don't fucking listen half the time. The only way I can get them to listen is if I hurt them." I continue to rant.

Everyone sees me as the bad guy. I don't want to hurt my siblings. What would you do if your siblings weren't listening to you and it's life or death? Would you hurt them to make them listen to you and live or continue to argue with them and y'all both die?


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