31. graduation

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Ever's POV

It's hard to be excited about graduating when Emeris is in the hospital. I'm sad he won't be able to come. So far I know Rue, Sage, and Joziah will be there.

I can't believe I'm graduating college! It doesn't feel real. I swear I just had the conversation with Rue trying to convince him to let me come. Now I'm graduating. It's wild. I don't know what my plan is after college. I'm also kinda sad because I had so much fun. I know Rue and the rest of brothers expect me to be fully focused on the family business but I really don't see myself doing that for the rest of my life. I don't want to do it. I just don't know how to bring it up to Rue yet. Maybe I should think about going back to school for my masters. Idk.

I'm heading to the hospital to see Emeris before I head to my frat house. They are throwing a little get together before graduation.

Once I get to the hospital, I walk to his room and see River.
"Hey little brother! Congrats. We are so proud of you!" He says hugging me. I smile and hug him back.

I'm the 3rd brother to get a college degree. Only Rue and River have degrees and now me. Joziah isn't the school type, Reign decided to go to college and then he passed away, Emeris has Aries and just doesn't have time right now and I don't think he wants to go. Who knows.

"Thanks." I say and then my attention goes to Emeris. He looks pissed. I know he doesn't want to be here.

"Hey Em." I say worried.

"Hi." Emeris says barely speaking.

"How are you feeling?" I ask trying to get him to talk.

"I'm fine. Ready to get out of this shit hole!" He yells at me.

"Em cool it!" River says sternly

"I'm tired of being here! I want to go home River!" Em yells.

"Emeris! You tried to kill yourself! You aren't ready to go home!" I yell at him and on the verge of tears.
I don't understand why he's so angry when we're all trying to be there for him. I can't go through losing another brother and the fact he tried to do it to himself makes it worse!

I stomp out of the room to try and calm down. River follows me out.
"Ever, I know you're upset. I don't want this messing with your mood today. This day is supposed to be a happy day for you! You're the 3rd to graduate college and you're a legacy of Beta Theta Pi! Dad was apart of it, as well as Rue and I. You've accomplished a lot! I wish I could make it to your graduation but someone has to stay here with Emeris." He says smiling.

"Thank you." I say smiling and I hug him again.

"Get going! I know they have a get together for grads at the frat house before graduation. Go have fun and enjoy your day! Don't worry about Em, he's in good hands!" He says looking at me with such pride.

I leave the hospital and head to my frat house. Today will be good day!

Joziah's POV

I really want to drink! I'm bored as fuck! Ever is graduating today which I mean, good for him. But I need to drink before I can sit through that boring ass ceremony! I've been through it twice already and I remember it was so boring.

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