41. no fucks given

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After all the fighting it took to get Sage back on this limo and to get Ever to understand he doesn't have a choice but to move home, we are finally back on the road.

Everyone is quiet and everyone is mad at me. But my job isn't to make my family happy, it's to protect my family. And I'm starting to realize I can't have both. If they choose to hate me, I don't care.

We are about an hour away from our house. But as soon as we get home, River and I have to go handle Christian, Sage's boyfriend. Even though she's choosing the right decision to terminate the pregnancy, Christian will pay for contributing to the problem and then leaving her to be alone.

I'm still so mad about Sage even getting pregnant and I don't want to kill the kid, but the more I think about it the more my anger takes over.

"I'm not coming home." Ever says randomly as he's staring me down.

Before he knew it, I grabbed his neck and started choking him.

"Rue! Rue! Stop!" Joziah yells trying to get me to let go of Ever. River also jumps in.

"Rue!" Emeris yells.

"Help. Help!" Ever tries to scream

"Shut the fuck up." I whisper in his ear as I let go of his neck. Ever coughs aggressively and tries to regain a regular breathing pattern. He looks terrified of me. Good. I'm tired of his shit.

"Say something again." I say glaring at him. "I fucking dare you."

River shakes his head.

After another hour of sitting in silence we finally get home.

As soon as the driver opens the limo door, Ever sprints trying to run off our property. I pull my gun out and shot at his leg and I hit him in the exact spot I aimed for.

He fell to the ground and it made me giggle.
"Rue!" Everyone yells in unison.

"Ahh! He shot me!" Ever yells.

"Go get him." I command the security

We grabbed bags and started to make our way into the house. I sigh. Finally home.

Everyone makes their way to their rooms to unpack and relax.

"Pete. I'm going to need eyes on Ever. Notify me if he tries to leave again." I command

"Yes sir." Pete says as the other guards help Ever into the house.

"Someone call the doc." I say grinning at Ever. "Try me little brother. I can make your life 10 times as miserable. You are apart of this family, you are staying home, and you will be joining us on missions. Once the doc says you're ok, you will be learning how to fight and how to shoot a gun, something you should've learned years ago. It's a new day baby brother! You're an Angelo! You will be catching your first body this year. So buckle up!" I laugh waking away.

"River let's go." I say

River follows me to the garage and we hop into my car.

"Brother. I think Ever needs some time to adjust to having to come back home, maybe we shouldn't rush him." River says.

I don't respond, because I don't care. I don't care about how he feels, I genuinely don't care. I need my brothers to understand that they don't have a choice just like I never had a choice. Dad made me into a killer. Dad ingrained in me that I do whatever to protect the family however I see fit if he were to die. And he's gone. And I've been fucking up so much. I've been giving a shit about how they feel. Which has ultimately led us into all this shit. We need to get back with the program, we are not a normal family and we will never be a normal family.

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