9. She aint got your love anymore

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Since I had some time to update! 🤗 Hope you enjoy this chapter & don't forget to vote!
Also, sorry if there's a lot of typos 😅 I don't proofread before updating.

Jules was finally done with practice and we head to the mall that's down the street to get some food with another cheerleader named Mercedes but we just call her Mer.

"I heard you got expelled." Mer says bringing up this dreadful topic.

"Yea it's unfortunate." I say so done with this topic.

"I'm sorry." Mer says noticing im annoyed. She's so freaking nice that it hurts when I'm rude to her.

"It's ok. I just hate it so much so I don't like talking about it." I say

"Ah makes sense." She says

We finally make it to the mall. Mer goes to get Panda Express and Jules and I went to get a slice of pizza.
We sit at a table and start talking about everything.

My phone starts ringing and it's Rue. I guess he finally noticed I was gone. It was smart of me to turn the location off before I left.

Jules saw who was calling and says "you should answer. You know how Rue is."

"Fuck him." I say.

Mer and Jules laugh which makes me start laughing.
We finished up our food and start walking around the mall. We went into a store and I saw this beautiful dress that I want so bad but I learned from last time not to use my card.

"I want this dress so bad! But I don't want my brothers to know where I am!" I whine

"How would he know?" Mer asks.

"He gave me the card so he's able to see when I spend money." I explain.

"Oh wow." She says shocked.

We leave the store and go to another store. I noticed some guy following us but he wouldn't come into the stores. Once we got into the store I inform Mer and Jules. "Guys there's a guy that's following us."

"Are you sure?" Mer says

"What if he's just walking the same way as us?" Jules says.

"He's been following us from store to store. And he'll sit right outside." I say

"Are you sure it's not your security guard?" Jules asks

"That's not Jerry." I say about to panic.

"Ok maybe we should call Rue." Jules proposes

"No!" I quietly yell.

" where is he at?" Mer asks.

We walk up to one of the store windows but act like we are just looking through a rack of clothes.
"He's the guy in the black pants and blue jacket." I say. They slightly glance in his direction.

"Let's just tell him to stop following us!" Mer says

"No Mer! It could be someone my brothers deal with. He could be dangerous." I say

"So the rumors were true!" Mer says

"I have no idea! They don't tell me shit." I say getting worked up

"We should just call Rue. Sage if something happens to you or us- I cut her off

"I'm not calling Rue. Let's just go." I say and we begin walking fast out of the store and start walking towards the exit. Jules glances behind us "he is following us!" She says yelling quietly so we start running and he runs after us.

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