50. s is for savage

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After many months of not having an outlet, we're finally going out tonight. But it's a family outing. Which means Sage and Salem will be coming. We're going to one of our club locations that way we have security surrounding us, in case anything happens. Everyone knows Sage so they know not the serve her any drinks but I will have to inform them about Salem.

Once we get home from handling some business, I go hop in the shower. I stayed in for about 30 minutes and I didn't want to get out. The hot water felt so good all over my body. It was peaceful.

I grabbed some lounge clothes and went to go chill downstairs and eat a snack. I ran into Sage and Salem in the kitchen.

"Ah. Just the kids I wanted to see." I say to them. Sage rolls her eyes of course and Salem just looks scared.

"What do you want doofus?!" Sage asks.

"As you know, we are going out tonight as a fam- and of course she cuts me off.

"I'm not going!" She yells out bluntly.

I glare at her intensely and she shifts back in her seat. "You are going. Both of you are. And i need yall to be on your best behavior." I say staring at them both.

"Ok Rue." Salem says and it makes me a bit confused and uneasy. I don't trust him. James has warned me about him, it sounds like he's a boy version of Sage technically. He's just dumber.

I grab a quick snack and go into the living room. Emeris is on FaceTime with Aries, he'll be coming back home soon. He's been spending time with his grandparents. I told Emeris a long time ago that he needs to keep Aries' mother's family involved in his life and I wouldn't let the business keep him from that. Aries mom was taken from them and I think it's great for Aries to know his other half and I think it's healing for Emeris to be able to get welcomed into her family even after she's gone. He has an amazing village built for that boy.

River is talking to James. We were planning to Salem about the family business tonight but James is trying to find every excuse to back out. I think he has a right to know. He's an Angelo and that's just our path. James feels Salem will spiral. I'm sure he might but that's what we are here for.
I've had to deal with each of my siblings spiraling when they found out about the business.

Julius, Elias, and Jo are playing a video game. And Ever is sitting off to the side reading. He's such a nerd.

"River. Can I talk to you?" I say walking over to River and James. River nods and follows me off to the side and James tries to follow.

"Uh uh. You stay there." I say to him. He backs up and I whisper to River, "I don't care what James says we are telling Salem tonight. We've dealt with all of our siblings flipping after finding out the truth, what's one more?"

"James makes valid points about telling him Rue. Maybe you should listen to what he has to say." River tries to convince me. I've never felt more betrayed in my life.

"Oh really?" I say to River

"Rue." River says trying to get me to realize I'm overreacting.

" Last I checked, I was in charge. Right?" I say trying to make him realize that what I say goes.

"Yes Rue." He says sounding defeated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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