26. sweet sixteen ii

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While in my room, some of my brothers try to cheer me up. It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to, is basically how I'm feeling right now

Even Ever was trying to cheer me up. Ever has barely talked to me since I was 13. We don't have the best relationship at all. He held a grudge for so long so I just stopped trying.

"Sage, please come out! Let's go do something!" Emeris says

"I just want to lay down." I say back.

"Auntie." I hear Aries say. I get up and open my bedroom door and see my cute nephew standing there with my brothers. They pulled the Aries card. I scooped Ari up and slammed the door behind me.

I assume my brothers left since I didn't hear from them much. Aries and I watched tv for the past hour and then he got hungry so we made our way downstairs. There was a huge cake in the kitchen with 16 on top.

"My cake!" I squealed! It's beautiful! The white layers with pearl decor and the flower piping. It looks amazing!

"Do you love it?" Ever says

"Hell yea!" I say and then glance over quickly at Rue, hopping he didn't hear me. But he did. He glared at me. "Sorry." I say nervously.

"It's for your party. So you'll have to wait to eat some until tonight." River says

"Ok cool. Where's the staff? I'm starving!" I asked

"They are preparing for your party, so we can go grab some food if you want." Rue says

I stay quiet. "I want McDonald's!" Aries says. Everyone laughs. "Aunt Sagey gets to pick where we eat, it's her birthday!" Emeris says happily hugging his boy.

Seeing Emeris with Ari is literally the cutest. Did I mention it makes me want to have a baby?! Aries gives my baby fever!

"Happy birf-day Auntie." Aries says to me.

"Thank you stinker!" I say kissing his cheek. "Let's go to Arlo's!" I say choosing the restaurant. I love their breadsticks and that pasta!

"Ok. Get ready so we can go. I'll ask Luke to inform the restaurant." Rue says

Luke is Rue's assistant. He helps set reservations and things like that. We are able to be out in public since Rue and the boys handled the threat 3 years ago. So no more being stuck in the house. But Rue won't go to a restaurant if they can't accommodate to us coming. He wants to make sure we are as safe as possible. And he always pays a hefty fee to make sure his extraness isn't perceived as being a snob.

Believe it or not, Rue had a girlfriend 2 years ago. She was shot on a date with Rue and Rue hasn't forgiven his self and I don't think he ever will. I feel bad and I can see how it changed him. We all can. He's the most ruthless and heartless he's ever been. Even towards us, the people he claims to have to protect. And I don't think it's going to get better. I suggested he go and talk to someone about it but he cussed me out and sent me to my room with threats of spanking me. I haven't said anything else to him about it. He hasn't smiled since, well except for his fake half smile at me today. He will smile at Ari but who wouldn't smile at the cutest little boy. I don't know how to help him and he seems to like being angry. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

I hop in the shower real quick and wash my hair. I detangle it and then do a quick hairstyle. It's currently getting colder outside. I'm excited for this fall weather!! And it's libra season! Libras are the best sign! (ARGUE WITH YOUR MOMMA LOL)

I throw on a cute skirt and a long sleeve white shirt. my hair is in a half up half down style and grab my gold jewelry to put in my earrings. I grabbed some cute dainty boots and a purse and ran downstairs.

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