15. War

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As I'm getting everyone prepared to take out the Rizzo family tonight, I forget about Sage. I'm going to need all my brothers with me tonight and no one will be here to watch Sage. I call Mrs. Robin, Jules mom, to see if she would be willing to watch Sage tonight.

-Hi. Mrs. Robin?
-Hi. No Jess is cooking right now. This is her husband James. Who's calling?
-It's Rue. Sage's older brother.
-Ah! Hey Rue. I'm so sorry for your loss. If y'all need anything please don't hesitate to ask!
-Thank you and I actually do have a favor to ask, My brothers and I are going out for some business tonight and we need someone to keep an eye on Sage. It'll be until tomorrow around 1-2pm
-Of course. Sage is welcome anytime. You can drop her off whenever! We will be home.
-Thank you. I really appreciate it.
-No problem. See ya.

We hang up and I take a deep breath and get up out of my chair to leave my office. I reach for the door handle and take a step back. This is too hard. I'm not ready to leave my office. But I have to so I can take Sage to Jules house.

I reach for the door again and open it. I took a deep breath and walked out. As soon as I walked out, I felt tears gathering in my eyes and I wipe them away. I walk out of the west wing and the house is quiet. This is what I was afraid of. I know everyone is here but it's just so quiet. I walk to the other side of the house and head to Sage's room.

"Sage." I say with my shaky voice
"Yes." She says in a quiet tone. Her eyes are red and puffy. Her face looks so swollen from crying so much. I hate this. I hate that Reign was taken from us.
"Sagey. We have to go out for business tonight so I need you to pack to spend the night at Jules' house." I say
She doesn't say anything but just nods.
"Wait downstairs whenever you're finished. I'm going to take a quick shower." I say as I turn to look down the hall.

I have to pass Reign's room to get to mine and that's what I've been dreading. His room is exactly the way he left it and I don't want to walk past it knowing he's gone. I do need to get to my room though.

"You ok?" Sage asks

"Um. Yea. Just not ready to walk past Reign's room yet." I say still focused on the hallway.

"Is that why you've been staying in the West Wing?" She asks quietly

I just nod. I start taking small steps towards his room. Maybe I just need to face it. I just need to look at his room and maybe I'll feel better.

I walk to his room and slowly turn to look into it. His bed wasn't made. He has clothes everywhere. His lamp was still on. I decided to walk in. I could feel tears fall down my face. I look at his desk and see a notebook full of things he wrote down. I sit on his bed and start reading.

Date: 07/21/23
My whole life I felt off. I felt like I didn't fit in with my brothers. Not to say they're stupid but I'm definitely the smartest brother in this family. But I love my brothers. They have brought so much fun and joy into my life. Even tho Rue can be scary, a dickhead, and most importantly harsh. I look up to him. He's brave, strong, calculated, organized, and the list goes on. He took Dad's spot in the family and idk if I would be able to deal with that. After Dad died, Rue became my role model. He may not do things the right way all the time but he's doing his best and doing what he feels will help the rest of us. Rue is a great brother and I'm lucky to have him in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better family.

After reading that tears wouldn't stop falling down my face. Oh little brother, I failed you. I get up and place his journal back on his desk. I walk out of his room and close the door.

I make it to my room and grab some clothes from my closet and head to the shower. Once in the shower I sob. Regin is the only thing on my mind. The funeral was at the beginning of this week and it still doesn't feel real that he's gone. It's hard to do business with Reign gone. It's hard for me to eat and sleep with Reign gone. I had to inform his friends he died on the way to their house and they instantly cried when I told them. Obviously I couldn't tell them how and what happened. And that made me feel worse. Lying to people is never easy for me but lying to people about how my brother died is even harder.

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