43. no mercy

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"Rue!" I hear River scream. He was pissed at me before and now I bet yes beyond pissed.

BANG! BANG! Is all I remember hearing. I shot the snitch in the head and I shot Ever in his side. I take a step back and look at my hands. Did I black out for a second? Everything happened so fast, I can't even recall what happened.

"Rue! We have to get him to a hospital!" River yells at me. I look up and River is holding Ever's side to try and stop the blood.

Ever looks over at the snitch and then back at me and then at his wound. He's stunned from what happened and maybe a bit scared because I said I was going to kill him if he didn't do this.

"Just fucking kill me! I can't take this anymore!" Ever screams at me as River puts pressure on his wound and telling him to stop moving.

"If you would've did your job, you would've never got shot!" I yell at Ever

"Rue! Stop!" River yells at me. I roll my eyes and call Pete. Pete brings in more guys to help Ever to the car. We get everything packed up and I ordered my guys to clean everything up.

We rush down the stairs to get Ever to the hospital. As soon as we get in the car, River starts cussing me out.

"Rue! Are you a fucking dumb ass?! You shot Ever! You know he's not fucking meant for this, we have to ease him into it if he's going to adjust to our lifestyle!" He yells. I hear him, I do. But at the same time, I seriously don't care.

"Ok, River." I say ignoring majority of what he said. Saying ok is easier than arguing nowadays. I'm trying. Trying to get dad's dream of all of us being in the business, trying to replace Reign's spot in the family business which I know will be impossible, trying to have my family as complete as I can.

Ever's lucky I didn't actually kill him. I never go back on my word and this time I did, I couldn't bare to kill my baby brother. No matter how much he pisses me off. I just couldn't do it. Dad would have called me weak. He always said my job was to protect the family but he also said that family can make you weak. A lot of the things dad said were contradicting so I'm lost on a lot of things. But I'm in between wanting to protect Ever and wanting to kill him. Taking things slow to get him adjusted to this lifestyle is not what dad would have done. And dad didn't do it, obviously. He didn't teach Ever anything. But it's understandable why he didn't and now it's my job.

We get to the hospital after the first car with Ever and Joziah. Once we get into the hospital, Joziah walks up to us and says Ever signed a DNR. "Hes stable and they were able to stop the breathing but he's saying if anything in the future happens to him that he doesn't want to be saved."

"You see! You got our baby brother making these decisions over this whole situation." River rolls his eyes and walks away from me.

I've seen River mad but he's seriously mad at me. I can't go a day without someone being mad at me. My brothers wouldn't be able to be in my position. They care too much about if everyone else likes them. My job is to keep things going. We had a snitch, I thought at the very least Ever would be able to get rid of a snitch and he simply couldn't even do that. And they're mad at me because I shot him? My promise was that I'd kill him. They should be glad I didn't kill him. My brothers go into Ever's room
and I walk away to take a breather.


I look up at Rue walking away and sigh.
"What was he thinking?!" I yell.

"Riv. At least Rue didn't kill him. You know Rue never goes back on his word. For a second there I thought Ever was a goner!." Joziah says

"That's the problem! Rue shouldn't have said that in the first place. Rue needs to be handling Ever differently. Ever wasn't raised like us. Rue is so stuck in his ways, well dad's ways that he can't see." I say.

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