39. aunts & uncles iii

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My faces turned into a frown.

"What?!" I say to Krista.

"What do you mean?" She says upset, "get rid of it! Are you trying to ruin your life!" She yells

"Why is everyone treating me like a child?! This is my decision to make! I'm not a kid!" I yell at her and I feel tears falling down my face.

"Sage. Having a kid is not a fantasy life. It's real shit! You'll be responsible for a whole human being! Who's the father? Is he going to help you? Is he going to be there for you?!" She yells rambling on. But I space out.

Omg she's right. I told Christian I was pregnant on FaceTime. He was the first person I told and I haven't heard from him since. That was like 2 weeks ago. He won't text me back or return my calls. I haven't been to school because I've just been so sick and shit was happening at home. Now I'm kinda pissed because what the fuck! I need to talk to his ass.

But at the same time, there's a human growing inside me right now. What if having this kid is the right decision? I mean, even if Christian doesn't help I have my brothers and my inheritance from dad. My brothers may be mad right now but if I decide to keep it they'll hop on board. Maybe...

"Sage! Are you listening to me?!" Krista yells. I get up and walk out of the room slamming the door.

"Sage!" She follows me out.

We go down to the living room where everyone is sitting and start arguing with each other.

"Girls!" Uncle Rain yells getting us to stop.

"What is going on?" River asks. Everyone's eyes are on us.

I roll my eyes and say "I'm pregnant and she's mad I want to keep the baby." After I spit it out, everyone looks shocked and no one speaks so I go back up and run into the room I'm staying in.

                                   RIVER'S POV

I put my hand on my head because this family genuinely makes me want to kill someone. Will things ever go back the way they used to be?

I'm tired of this bull shit! All the drama! It's exhausting.

"She's wh-what?!" Uncle Rain yells.

"Did Sage just say she's pregnant?" Joziah says angrily confused. "I'm gonna kill that dude!" He says talking about Sage's boyfriend

"And she wants to keep it?" Uncle Rain says breathing hard. "She's 16."

"She's young, but ultimately it's her decision to make. As her family we need to be there for her. Being pregnant is hard! Being a mom is even harder. If she makes the decision to keep her baby then we need to make it clear to her that it's her responsibility and she'll have to grow up a bit faster." Aunt Lori says softly.

"Can you please talk to her for us?" I ask Aunt Lori. I think Aunt Lori would be the only person qualified here to relate to Sage much more. Rue and I would probably make things worse. I don't know how to talk to her without getting mad. I wanted more for her. I wasn't expecting her to consider becoming a mother at 16. It's hard to explain.

"Of course I will." Aunt Lori says as she goes up to Sage's room.

                                    SAGE'S POV

I hear someone's foot steps getting closer to my room. Then I hear a soft knock and Aunt Lori opens the door.

"Hey sweetheart." She is in a loving tone. I instantly broke down in tears. I've been holding them in for a while. She made me feel warm and save within a second of me being in her presence.

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