16. Baby on the way

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Being at Jules' house has been so fun! Her parents have been helping me keep my mind of Reign. I don't think I've cried once since being here.

"Hey Sage. Your brother is on the way to pick you up." Mrs. Robin says softly.

"Ok." I say getting up to pack my things. "It was so fun being here Jules. I need to get away from my brothers more often."

"Yes! You should!" She says laughing.
After I pack my things we go downstairs. I say bye to Jules' mom and dad and then hug Jules goodbye and run out to my brothers car.

We pull off and my security follows us home.
"Did you have a good time?" Rue asks

"Yes! I need to go over more often. Jules' mom reminds me so much of mom." I say

"They were best friends." He says smiling.

"Were they?!" I say surprised "Mrs. Robin doesn't talk about mom at all."

"It probably hurts too much." He says.

Yea he's probably right. "That's cool that they were best friends and now their daughters are best friends!" I say smiling

"Mom is probably so happy about that." He says chuckling.

"So what have y'all been up to?" I ask trying to get details

"Work and stuff. Emeris has some news to share with the family." He says trying to change the subject.

"Is it about his girlfriend?" I ask and then cover my mouth. I'm such a snitch! Omg!

"You knew?!" Rue says shocked "what the hell?!"

"I wasn't supposed to say anything." I say beating myself up mentally.

Rue shakes his head and we pull into the drive way.

Once we get in the house. Ever, Em, Jo, and Riv were all in the kitchen waiting for us.

"What's this about?" Joziah asks

"Emeris. Go ahead." River says sternly. Emeris had a black eye. Rue must've punished him for not telling him about his girlfriend or just for having one.

"So um. I have girlfriend. Her name is Lauryn. We-we have been dating for 4 years and" Joziah cuts him off.

"Woah Woah Woah. Wait a second. You have a girlfriend?!" Jo says shocked

"Let him finish." Rue says sternly

Let him finish? What else does he have to say. He already spilled the tea.

Emeris clear his throat. He seems nervous. "She's pregnant."

My jaw dropped to the floor. As well as Ever's and Jo's.
"Wait what!" I say shocked. "She's pregnant!"

"Yea. 25 weeks today." He says nervously

"What the fuck!" Joziah yells. "No wonder River beat yo ass!" He says laughing but still shocked.

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