Needle and a Thread

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Demeter's wails are another guest to her and Iasion's home. Her beloved clings onto her to soothe her through the unimaginable sadness. Her tears hit the ground, sprouting new colorful flowers as irony.

Echo holds her grandmother's hands. Her crown of flowers shrinks and withers to join the mood. "Gia, what's wrong? What made you cry?"

The Olympian parts her lips, but nothing comes out. She assumes that the terrible fate is at work.

Persephone brushes through her mother's hair while holding back tears.

Hippolyta summons her scarlet aura as a light veil that wraps around the goddess. The pleasant warmth begins to settle her body.

Orpheus' strumming of the lyre sends notes of peace to comfort her heart. As the deity of the heart settles down, the warrior queen and demigod question each other with their eyes what tragedy she foresaw.

"My Blossom," Iasion rubs Demeter's back. "We're here. We're here."

"It's still not right," her voice wavers like a shaking leaf.

"Let's have you rest," her lover suggests. "We can sleep on the floor if you like," he crouches down with a gentle smile.

The idea of a nap sounded like a blessing, but the Fates gave her a role in the master plan. "Wait. I can tell a few things. Zeus...will be defeated if we follow every step of what Nyx gave me.  I can relay a little for now. Orpheus, go see Eurydice."

His fingers stop playing. "Goddess-

"Don't object, please. While I rest, be with her."

A shoulder squeeze by Hippolyta assures the demigod to reunite with his beloved. "Just think of her and call her name. Go."

Tears of joy accompany his rushing footsteps. He runs to the edge of Iasion's island before collecting his thoughts. Memories of her laugh, face, and kisses outweigh the guilt he carried up to this time.

He fills his lungs up with air. "EURYDICE!"

An island rotates with ease in front of him. He leaps across while strumming his lyre to find his wife.

His ears perk up.

The love song he used to play on his wedding brings him back to that day. The melody lures him to the large olive tree responsible for the notes. The occupant in its pleasant shade runs out.

His back meets the pillowy ground. Gentle arms wrap around him, refusing to let go. Eurydice's tears of joy stain his tunic.


Hearing her voice again sends tears running down his face. He sits up to cup her face, memorizing her face with his fingers.

Her hands brush through his bushy brown hair. "Is this real?"

"I'm alive. I missed you so much," his voice breaks into a whisper. "Hades allowed me to see you again."

A memory settles between their minds. Wide smiles that this wasn't the first reunion. Takashi Watanabe's presence convinced Fate to finally be kind to them.

They pepper each other with kisses too many to count. A long passionate kiss almost freezes them in place.

Orpheus nuzzles her nose. "I have so much to tell you."

"I'm all ears," she smiles...

While Orpheus regales his journey, Hippolyta is given a task of her own.

She forces her sandals to stay on the rocky path set before her. Her heart pounds louder than a war club. Her cheeks match the same shade as her scarlet eyes from the running thoughts. 

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