Chapter 03

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                 Cicilia's (Cici's) POV


             "Mom!! I'm home!!."

                        "Ah, Cicilia. How was your day sweetheart?"

              "About the same as usual. They say I'm getting better but the trainings been getting more extreme. I think running itself is going to be the death of me."

                         "I honestly doubt it's that bad hunny. Now go wash up, I'm just about done making supper."

               "Yes mom."

      Rushing upstairs to grab a change of clothes so I can take a quick shower, my mom suddenly calls out to me again.

             "Oh, that's right. Cicilia darling, you received a letter today. It has the royal seal on it so it must be very important."

      The royal seal? I wonder what that's about. I quickly ran back down and grabbed the letter before running back up to take my shower.

              'Whatever it's about, it's going to have to wait a little bit, I desperately need a shower...'

   A little while later I was sitting at the table having dinner with my parents and just having idle chitchat.

            "So did you get a chance to read that letter honey?" My mom asks while getting up to grab dessert.

                      "Letter? What letter? It wasn't from a boy was it? Was it that Ted kid down the road? I swear that boy-.."

                                  "No dad!!... It wasn't from a boy. At least I don't think it was... It has the Royal seal on it. And no mom, I haven't gotten to it yet."

                        "Royal seal? That must mean it came from the kings castle!! Why haven't you read it yet?!?!"

              "Your father's right dear. You really should read it."

                                           "Ok. Ok. I'll go read it right now."

      I can already tell they're not going to give up on this. Granted I do know that I probably should have read it. In my defense training was hella rough today. After taking a nice hot shower and getting into some clean, comfy clothes, I had completely spaced it.

      Running up to my room where I left the letter earlier, I grabbed it and started walking back down as I opened the letter and started reading it. Seeing the first part of it I noticed it was a message from Rose!!

          'Yayy!!! I haven't heard from her in way too long!!!...'

    Reading further into the letter I suddenly froze halfway down the stairs. Seeing me from over at the dinning table, my mom was curious about my reaction.

         "What is it Cicilia? Did something happen? Are you being summoned?"

    Without answering, I ran back upstairs and to my room, quickly grabbing a duffel and throwing some clothes in it. Then walking over to my closet, I slid a false wall panel out of the way and pulled out my combat gear to pack too.

    I had just finished packing and grabbing my stuff and was just about to walk out my door when my mom peeked her head around the corner.

           "Cicilia, what happened?"

                        "It's Rose mom!! She needs my help!!"

             "Oh dear!! What could she need help with that has you leaving so suddenly?"

                          "Rose thinks she found a way to get auntie Alice back!! I have to go mom."

               "I understand. But promise me you'll be careful?!?!"
                            "You know I will mom. When I come back it'll be all three of us coming back!!"

                "I'll hold you to that. Now get going, I'll deal with your father."

                            "Thanks!! Love you mom!!"

      With that I ran downstairs and out the back door. I quickly made my way to rent a carriage to take me to the coast. I'm supposed to charter a ship to the human continent then meet up with Rose.

               'I'm on my way Rose!!'

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