Chapter 40

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                                   Cici's POV

             "Wait!!," Lily said as she struggled to hold Rose back. "She's not a demon Rose."

                          "What the fuck do you mean she's not a demon?! I'm not fucking blind!!"

              "It's not your eyes that you need to see with!! Calm down and focus Rose. Look not with your eyes but with your senses."

     As she said that I curiously looked over to the other girl. Focusing on my normal senses nothing seemed any different, however when I realized what she meant I focused on my magical sense and was stunned. The amount of magical energy coming from the strange girl was immense.

      It seemed as if she was not just putting off such energy but more as if she was the energy. It honestly confuses me but then again that's not exactly my forte. I'm more of a hands on fighter then a magical one.

            "Cici! A little help here please?!"

     Looking back over towards Rose and Lily I could see they were still struggling with each other. It seems that Rose's trauma with demons is deeper then I realized. It's as if all her sense of self was gone and she was only focused on the stranger. The amount of bloodlust she was oozing was almost suffocating.

      Quickly walking over I wrapped my arms around rose from behind and snuggled my nose into her neck. She tried to shrug me off at first but it didn't take long for her to slow down her struggling.

             "Rose.... Breathe Rose, calm down and focus on what you feel." I softly told her as I continued to hold her from behind. "What does your magic sense tell you?"

       For a moment it looked as if she was going to ignore me but then I felt her stop struggling completely. After about another five minutes she had stopped shaking and was leaning back into me. I was holding her with one arm and using the other to rub her back as she tried to calm her breathing.

            "I think she's good, now Lily, would you two mind actually telling us what the hell all this is? Preferably before I lose my cool as well..." I said while slightly irritated.

                        "This is Shailena, she's the person that we came here to see."

                "Yeah, no shit. Why does she look and smell like a demon?"

                             "That's because she used to be a demon, a long time ago. Centuries ago in fact.."

                  "Used to be? What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, clearly confused. How could someone use to be a demon? I'm pretty sure people aren't able to just wake up one day and decide that they aren't a member of their own species simply because they didn't want to be.

                                 "It means that I had to give up being a demon.. Actually, more like I was forced to.." Shailena interrupted. "Now I'm no more then a guardian spirit as my entire being has been turned into pure energy..."

               "Wait... Someone did what? Who the hell would want to... No... Who the hell is even capable of doing something like that?!"

                             "Who else? It was those damn gods ..."


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