Chapter 04

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                       Rose's POV

     It's been about a month since I got my message out to Cici and I'm supposed to be meeting her at the port in a seaside town called Aris. As I was standing at the docks waiting for her ship to arrive I was suddenly tackled from behind.


                    "Cici?!! What the hell? I didn't see your ship dock?..."

          "We actually got here about an hour ago. Apparently we made better time then the captain thought we would. So bestie, what's the plan?"

                     "I figured I'd rent us a room at an inn here so we can catch up."

            "Sounds good. I've never been to the human continent before so lead the way."

      With my ridiculous best friend in tow, I made my way to the closest inn. It was a place called Seaside Suites. It seemed like a pretty nice place, thankfully I had more then enough money for now.

            "Welcome to Seaside Suites, how can I help you ladies?"

                        "We'd like a room with a bath please."

            "Ok, and how long would you like the room for?"

                        "Two nights should be fine."

             "That would be five gold and three copper, meals are included. The room is just up the stairs, third door on the right."

    After paying the lady and grabbing our key, we quickly made our way upstairs and into our room. It was pretty decent. There was a huge bed and a window overlooking the sea. Of to the side was a door I'm assuming led to the bathroom.

     We ended up going and grabbing something to eat then calling it a night, deciding we'd talk shop tomorrow after we've had some rest. We did catch up on the normal stuff though. Like how we've been and whatnot.

      Apparently Cici has been taking advanced training and magic classes at the small academy in our home town. It seems she's been doing pretty good for herself.

     I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my eyes from the window and Cici's bushy tail tickling my cheek. Rolling my eyes and pushing her off me, I got up and started to get myself ready for the day.

     It wasn't long before Cici woke up herself and after we were both dressed and ready I had her follow me out the inn and down the street to a local blacksmith. I wanted to get all my gear checked and repaired if necessary.

     Walking in we were greeted by an elderly looking gentleman who looked like he was a professional wrestler or something in his youth. Even with his hair and beard having already turned white and grey, this guy was still hella ripped.

           "Welcome to me shop lil ladies, what can I do for ye?"

                      "I was wondering if you could do a maintenance check on our gear and do any repairs necessary. We need it in peak condition so price isn't an issue."

      He stood there stroking his beard and looking at the gear we laid out on the table. He almost seemed to be seriously contemplating something.

    Then after shaking his head and grabbing our gear, he made his way through a door in the back. About an hour later he came back and handed us our stuff.

              "Alrighty lass, that'll be ten silver."

     Handing him around ten gold, he looked at me like I was stupid.

                "Sorry lass, I said ten silver not ten gold."

                           "Trust me, I heard you right. For one, I wanted to ask you if you could make something for me, two things actually. And the rest is for good faith, you didn't try to hassle me at all and you did excellent work."

                  "Look at ye lass, after an ol smiths heart are ye? What was it that ye want me ter make?"

                               "I need a pair of retractable shields. Lightweight so they'll be easy to carry and work well with the rest of our gear but sturdy as possible. Think you could make something like that?"

      He seemed pretty surprised about my request but agreed to it in the end. He ended up telling us to check back in tomorrow as they should be done by then. So throwing him another couple coins and heading out, we went back to the inn to really talk shop. It's time I told Cici everything I've learned so far.


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