Chapter 28

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                      Rose's POV

          "Ok then. First and foremost, how exactly are we going to be finding these pieces?"

    Me, Cici and Lily were all currently sitting in the main room of the bunker trying to come up with a game plan. Rather me and Cici are technically just relying on Lily to do so. But in our defense she was the one who claimed to know how to locate the relics.

           "That's actually the easiest part, hell probably the only easy part honestly." She casually said while reaching for her cup of tea and taking a sip. "We're just going to have to go visit an old acquaintance of mine. She'll be able to cast a locator spell to point us in the right direction."

     Old acquaintance huh? Why did she sound kind of evil when she said that? She even had an evil looking grin on her face as she was saying it. Hmmm?.. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

            "Great. Where do we find this acquaintance of yours at? When do we leave?" I asked impatiently.

      I'm excited to finally have a legit lead on a way to free my mom. It finally feels like I'm making actual progress for once.

            "We should be able to find her in the Randimiun Forest southwest from here." Lily explains while also pulling out a map and spreading it out on the table before pointing at a stretch of forest on the map. "I'd say probably about a three month trip by carriage. And since we all seem to already be packed up and ready, I say we hit the road at dawn."

       "Three months?!?! Seriously?!"

              "Well  normally I would just run there myself, I'd probably get there in about three days max. But since you two don't know where you're going I can't just run ahead."

     'Why do I feel like I'm being treated like a little kid?'

          "You do realize that we aren't little kids right? I'm not trying to gloat or anything but I'd say we're actually pretty damn fast on our feet. I'm sure we could keep up." I told her while gesturing towards me and Cici.

          "Even before the whole power up or whatever, I could at least cover that distance in about a week tops. And I have no doubt Cici could do it in five days."

      Putting aside my constant training and working out for the past eight or so years, I was also pretty good at body enhancing magic. I loved to run, just like my mom. As for Cici, she did the exact same training I did and she was also efficient with enhancement magic.

      Not to mention, her being a beastkin she naturally has a head up on me when it comes to physical prowess. I get that Lily doesn't actually know us very well but for some reason I feel insulted.

      After I was done saying my piece, Lily just sat there staring at us for a second. Almost as if to size us up. But instead of argue like I thought she would, she simply laughed and turned around to start heading back to the room.

       Glancing over at us before heading into the room she giggles a little bit then says, "I'm looking forward to it. You two better get some rest, we have a long ass run ahead of us tomorrow."


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