Chapter 13

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                       Rose's POV

               "YOU DARE AWAKEN ME FROM MY SLUMBER?!?!" A loud, fierce voice resounded inside my head. "DO A MERE MORTAL SUCH AS THEE EVEN KNOWETH WHOM I AM?"

     Realizing that I must be hearing the dragons voice inside my head I quickly scrambled backwards and got to my feet. Making sure to backtrack until I was next to Cici. The awestruck look on her face was all I needed to know that she had heard it too.

                   "U-um, Mr dragon sir... I swear we had no intention of waking you, we're trapped and we are just trying to find a way out of here."


                        "I-I assure you I don't know what you mean. I'm not ashamed to say I severely lack in power..."


      Before anything else could be said the dragon reared back and with a mighty inhale charged an attack. You could feel the air go humid and the mana in the area be pulled towards him. Instantly me and Cici cast every shield and barrier spell we knew.

       Just in time to. No sooner had we done so the dragon released his attack and we were consumed by a fiery inferno. It wasn't long until our barriers started to fail and shatter one by one. But right before the last barrier broke, my mom's sword suddenly started to rise into the air in front of me, burning with purple flames so intense I could barely withstand the heat.

        Once the last barrier shattered I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable feeling of being roasted alive but it never came. Opening my eyes I was shocked to see the dragons flames being absorbed by the sword.

        And as soon as it took in the last bit of flame it glowed so brightly I had to look away. But once I looked back I was utterly confused. The sword lay on the ground no longer glowing and the mighty dragon who had spoke so highly now cower in the corner with most of it's scales burnt to a crisp.

               'Like I haveth said, immense power.... Tell me mortal, where did you acquire such magical power?'

                        "I was telling you the truth when I said I severely lack in power, that wasn't me nor was it my companion. It was this." I responded while picking up the sword and showing it to the dragon.

               'A mere sword?! How can that be, unless... Ah, I see.. That is no ordinary sword but a soul, half a soul at least... What extraordinary power.. Thee who the soul belongs to must have been divine...'

                         "It's my mother. I am trying to unseal her and bring her back to me."

                 'And how do you intend to do that child? Haveth you not just told me that you severely lacketh power?'

                           "Indeed I do. But I will stop at nothing to bring her back. I will do whatever it takes to grow strong enough to do so.." I spoke with conviction. Strangely enough it almost seemed as if the dragon smiled as I said it.

                'You indeed haveth a fire in your soul, but tell me this child, do you truly mean to do whatever it takes to haveth the power?'

                            "I don't care what I have to do as long as it means I can bring my mom back.."

                 'Even if it meant you haveth to bear a curse?'

                            "Like I said, I'll do what I have to.."

                    'Then so it shall be!!'

      The dragon started to glow a deep crimson color before suddenly turning to ash and falling apart. But that wasn't the end of it. The dragons ash suddenly Rose up and started to swirl around me at a frightening speed.

                   "Rose!!" Cici yelled at she tried to reach me. But as she tried to reach through the swirling ash she was thrown back a yard or two. I wanted to run to her but my body was frozen in place. Then I was hit with an immeasurable pain as but by but the ash swirling around my started to be absorbed into my skin.

      I had never felt pain like this before, it was as if I was being skinned alive limb by limb with a dull blade. It was all I can do to try and stay conscious. My vision blurred and the world around me turned crimson. Just as the last bit of ash integrated with my skin I collapsed.

       The last thing I remember was Cici running up to me screaming something I couldn't hear. Then everything went black.


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