Chapter 36

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                                 Galvos' POV

                    "Just what in the actual fuck is taking so damn long?" I yell while throwing my glass of wine at my severely inadequate servants in anger. The team I sent after those damn brats was supposed to report to me hours ago.

        I had spent a fortune acquiring their service, not to mention all the favors I pulled and days I spent just to find a team of their caliber. According to the contacts I have in the lowest of places, they were the best, most efficient, most ruthless and by far the most trustworthy team of mercenaries/assassins on the continent.

        I even had them personally show me their strength. There's absolutely no valid reason for them not reporting in. Even if by some miracle they were somehow unable to kill the kid, they would have easily at least been able to escape and report.

               "Hurry up and clean up that damn mess." I snap at one of my servants as I start heading to my private office. I need to contact the idiot that is supposed to be overseeing the teams progress. I feel like somebody's head is going to roll by the end of the day.

      As I enter my office and lock the door behind me I walk over to one of the cabinets by my desk and start looking through it. I was gathering the files I had on the members of the team I hired as well as the communication stone that I use to speak to their overseer

       Once I've made sure I've gathered everything I walk over and sit at my desk, placing everything out in front of me. After pouring myself a glass of whiskey and taking a couple of long swigs, I pick up the communication stone and start channeling magic into it.

       It doesn't take but a second to activate it but seemed as if it took five minutes just to get a response.

             "Greetings your majesty, how may this humble servant be if assistance?" A raspy yet timid sounding voice echoed from the stone.

                     "Where the fuck is my report? And who the hell is the one whom decided it would be a good idea to keep me waiting all damn morning for nothing?" I said with heavy malice lacing my every word.

                  "W-well your m-majesty, the thing is w-we haven't been able to m-make any contact with t-the team since last night a-actually...." He barely managed to say. Clearly frightened for his life, as he rightfully should be, especially telling me something like that.

                 "I am p-personally en route to their l-last known location s-sire...."

                            "Listen closely because I'm only going to say it once. I want that report, good or bad, in front of me no later then sundown. If it is not delivered on time then expect to get very acquainted with the dirt. I absolutely do not tolerate failure."

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