Chapter 61

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                                  Rose's POV

           "So any chance you can explain what the hell is going on?" Elrin asks me as we quietly make our way through the city.

                     "Ok, look." I say as I stop and look him dead in the eye. "I'm sorry that you got mixed up in this, I truly am. But to be honest I still don't know if I can trust you. I appreciate you helping us and I can promise that I'll do what I can to get you out of here alive."

    I release a huge sigh as I run my hand through my hair. I'm not trying to be mean but that's just how it is.

                    "What I'm trying to do is just way too important to risk taking any chances at all."

    Not waiting for a response, I turn back around and continue moving. Keeping an eye out for any more of those freaks. Hopefully Elrin understands because if not I don't know what to tell him. I'm not risking my only chance to get my mom back just to spare someones feelings.

     After moving for another hour or so looking for the others I end up seeing a building that's relatively still in one piece and decide to head inside to take a breather. Once inside I set up a couple small barriers around us to keep us from being seen or heard. Once I'm sure that we should be somewhat safe to relax for a sec I find a spot on the floor and lean against the wall.

              "I can't say that I fully understand.." Elrin says after a little. "But I can tell that whatever it is means a lot to you. I'm not trying to intrude or get in your way, I was just unlucky enough to be dragged along. But just know, if there is anything that I can do to help I will."

                   "Thank you Elrin." I whisper after a minute. "That actually means a lot to me."

   Once we feel like we've gotten enough of a breather for now, we got back to our feet and headed out. This city may be huge but there's no way it's endless. We're bound to find the others soon. I just hope that they are ok.

           "Hey, Rose.."

                     "Yeah, I noticed it too."

            "How many do you think there are?"

                     "I count seven, no, eight.."

      We've been being followed for a few minutes now. Those damn beasts were just following us but staying a good distance back as they are joined by more of them seemingly every minute. But strangely they're not attacking, just cautiously tailing us.

               "Are they just stalking us now?" Elrin whispers while visibly sweat dropping.

                        "I don't know, something doesn't feel right...." I say as I observe our surroundings. A sudden and brief movement catches my eye about a block or two ahead of us and that's when it clicks. They're not stalking us, they're boxing us in.

                        "I really hope you can fight with more then just that bow," I tell him as I unsheathe a blade and get into a battle ready stance. "Because we're surrounded..."


    I watch him pull out a hunting knife and take a stance of his own and without even talking it through we find ourselves back to back, ready to defend and attack from either side. Now that they officially have you two surrounded they find their courage again and start quickly getting closer. I could count at least thirty of the damn things all around.

    Right as they all started to charge at us from all around they suddenly stopped. With their ears perked up all of them were looking in the same direction. Before I could say anything I suddenly heard a bone chilling howl that seemed to make even the ground shake. Next thing I knew all of the monster mutts started running in the opposite direction then they were all staring, completely ignoring us as they fled.

          "What in the actual fuck was that?!" Elrin asked, clearly frightened.

     I simply put away my weapons and gave a small chuckle as he looked at me like I was crazy.

                "That my dear Elrin, means Lily is pissed..."

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