Chapter 29

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                     Rose's POV

             "I think we should be about far enough now, you guy's ready?"

    The three of us had left the bunker and hit the road about half an hour ago or so. The sun is just now starting to rise but Lily wanted to get an early start.

        "We've been ready, why did we have to wait until we walked so far away? Wouldn't it have made more sense to just start running right away?" I asked Lily with a huff.

     For whatever reason, just as we had left the bunker and were about to start running she had told us to hold up. She said we had  to wait until we were further away before we picked up the pace. I still don't know why though.

       I thought the only reason we were leaving so damn early was to get there faster. So naturally when she told us to walk I was pretty confused but she wouldn't explain herself and just started walking.

                "To finally answer your question, we had to gain some distance so it was safer for everyone." Lily said with a shrug. "Didn't want to break anything when I started running."

      Now I'm even more confused. How the hell would we break anything just by running? Seeing the confusion on my face she simply laughed and lowered herself into a starting position.

                   "You girls said you can keep up, I hope that's true. I hope to be there in three days tops."

     After me and Cici just kinda looked at each other then at her we both ended up copying Lily's pose getting into a running position.

            "Well, I'm still confused but wha-"


    Before I could finish what I was saying I suddenly found myself being thrown backwards and my ears were ringing like crazy. Where Lily had been just moments ago was now just a small crater.

     Then it finally clicked. That's what she meant when she said it would be safer to get further first. As Lily took off at an unimaginable speed, she had effectively created a sonic boom.

           'I have to admit, definitely wasn't expecting that one.'

       Looking over at Cici who was already back on her feet I simply smiled as she did the same.

                  "We better hurry and catch up to her." Cici said with a competitive look in her eye.

             "Oh, this is going to be fun."

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