Chapter 50

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                          Rose's POV

            "Hey! I think I found it!"

    After our "eventful" night, we met up with Lily who actually somehow managed to get her hands on the medallion. I wasn't too inclined to ask how she got it. Her smirk had told me all I needed to know. After that we headed out of town and, once again following the weird tattoo on my wrist, we trekked through the forest looking for the shrine or whatever.

     Even with the tattoo it took a little while to find the damn thing. Turns out the reason why is because a big ass fern had grown around it effectively covering it. It wasn't very impressive that's for sure. Just a shabby little thing made of wood that time had clearly taken it's toll on. In the center of it was a small slot perfectly shaped for the medallion to be placed in.

             "Well, here goes nothing." I said as I dropped the medallion in it's place. At first nothing happened and I was about to ask Cici if there was anything she had forgotten. But just as I went to ask the ground started shaking like there was a major earthquake.

     Then about a hundred feet behind the shrine the ground suddenly erupted as a huge temple rose out of the ground. Trees, boulders and everything in-between were sent flying as it resurfaced. Once it finally stopped and everything settled I didn't even waste the time to get a look at the temple before I rushed to the entrance.

           "Slow down!! We don't know what's in there!!" Lily called out as her and Cici followed close behind me.

     Ignoring her I kept walking down the hallway just inside the entrance. If you looked closely you could see all manner of ancient traps and other mechanisms that have long since fallen apart. Other then having to jump over a few pitfalls and whatnot I was able to get through easily.

     After what felt like forever I finally made it to the end of the long hallway and found myself in a big center chamber. It appeared completely empty except for a single raised podium in the center. And sitting on it was a shabby looking rectangular piece of metal covered in rust.

          "Well that was easy." I said as I reached for the old thing.

                    "Wait!!! Don't touch it-" Lily frantically yelled a little too late.

     The second I grabbed it a huge surge of mana spread out from the podium and formed a huge barrier around me. I could see Lily and Cici try to walk through it but it was like they were hitting a brick wall when they did. Instantly they started to panic and started attacking the barrier with everything they had. Both it soon became clear that neither physical nor magical attacks were able to even scratch the damn thing.

     Putting the artifact in my pocket I was about to start trying to help them break through it when I felt a huge surge of magical energy spring up behind me. Turning around I could see what looked like an inky black cloud swirling together in one spot, slowly growing in size and emitting a foul and malicious aura.

      Looking back at the others who were still trying to break through the barrier without any luck it was clear that I was on my own. So turning back to the dark mass and drawing my blade I prepared for the worst. But as the cloud stopped growing and started to give form to something I quickly regret not listening to Lily.
        Now fully formed, a monstrous beast stood in front of me. About six meters tall, inky black scales, talons as long as swords, teeth as long as daggers and menacingly glowing green eyes, the beast roared as it looked down on me. The sheer amount magical energy and raw power I could feel coming from it had me instantly sweating.




               'What the fuck did I get myself into now....'

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