Chapter 25

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Rose's POV

'This has most definitely been interesting, to say the least.... I need a break..'

After we managed to calm Lily down and made sure the idiot wasn't dead after he took that blow to the gut, we spent most the night arguing about what we could do to help me out.

In the end Vicebrook actually stormed out pissed. But that's mostly because we practically ignored his suggestions completely. Instead I ended up letting Lily talk me into using something called a temporary blood seal.

At first I argued that it sounded exactly like what Vicebrook had said but Lily quickly explained what it was.

"This is something that seals your power but unlike other seals, this one you will have control of. Basically, it's like putting a limiter on yourself that you can control.

"It would pretty much be a seal with three locks and each lock opened would release more power. But just so you know, once a lock has been opened it cannot be closed. You must be absolutely sure that you want to unlock it."

After hearing that I was actually wanting to do it. The power and strength that I have now honestly scares the shit out of me. One wrong move and I could end up doing something I regret or even hurting someone I care about.

Once I had agreed, Lily got straight to work casting a series of complicated magic formations. It took her around half an hour to set it up. After she was finished she had me stand in the center and draw my own blood to complete the spell. Not entirely sure what all happened though, as soon as my blood hit the magic formation I ended up passing out.

When I woke back up I was laying in my mom's bed in her room. After catching my bearings and getting up I ended up slowly walking towards the door to try and open it. Cautiously grabbing the handle and twisting it, I actually managed to open the door without breaking it!!

I know it doesn't sound like that big a deal but I was extremely happy. I even started running towards the main room to seeing Cici sleeping on the couch. Without slowing down I ran straight towards her, jumped and dived right onto the couch, effectively scaring the shit out of her as I tackled her.

"Wahh.. Rose? What was that for?" She asked me still half asleep. Since it hadn't registered yet, I grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her closer until our lips met.

"It worked!!" I said excitedly.

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